Verk/Dominic Swift/Official Clergy of Helm
In addition to the all the other IC achievments, he wants to have a clear OC title at this point.
Verk/Dominic Swift/Official Clergy of Helm
Human/Fighter/LG/10/Dominic Swift
Official Clergy of Helm
Dominic will seek to guide the Illuminated Blade in using magic to protect the innocent and lead expeditions to places such as Deadwell and the Haunted Halls to hunt necromancers and seek out dangerous magical items for safe guarding so they cannot be used to harm innocents
He will seek to prevent tyranny and harrasment towards innocents from the Crown Guard, working with the Precept and other groups to oppose their attempts to force mages and others to reigister,highlighting failings such as allowing the Cyricist necromancers to go unopposed
Other: He has fought against evil in the war of Lathander vs Cyric defending Amberfield and was seeking ways to harm the Cyricists such as falling for a ruse when he sought an Amauntori banner in Nemser and working to free the Efreet to burn the camp.
Such a fair weather defender/guardsman has no place as a 'figurehead' in the Helmite Church.
Voted no.
Dominic isn't really clergy material.
@voss_ said in Verk/Dominic Swift/Official Clergy of Helm:
Dominic isn't really clergy material.
also I read this as
'halp protect me from the crown guard with a position that doesn't even get legal protections, just privileges'
idk yesterday he and Gloomy tried to solve a riddle together and there were 0 tension or insults, wouldnt even have known Verk disliked the CG since he helped them straight away? lol
And agree, Dominic is a terrible clergy choice. Has he ever tried to convert anyone or spread his faith? There's spreading faith, and there's talking about it. Two very different things.
Anytime there's the whiff of a dm event any supposed tension or conflict evaporates in the face of the greater good that is XP, gold, and loot.
Need to inform him that this isnt passing since he's not portraying Dominic as a clergy.
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