File: The Church of Cyric
Marchetti refused a search in the faceless and was subdued, He was found to have some of the illegal fungus on him namely Hukahda paste and Liquid Culture, He was fined 1000 coin and the contraband confiscated with him ranting threats.
Also he had a Raven Cloak on him. Seems the Duke has an issue with his men misbehaving
It now seems they think they decide what is contraband and can collect fines
@greenlung said in Collection of Fines - The Wardens of Cyric:
Fines for the ownership and distribution of contraband will be collected by the Wardens of Cyric and His Inquisition, on behalf of the Crown Guard.
We do not recognise any “crime” put into law by a now defunct office, as such this new Law of Cyric takes precedence and we will decide what is deemed illegal as and when suits.
This will extend to our previously holy sites as well as hamlets and settlements close to them.
-The Inquisition of Cyric, Lord of the Four Crowns
I would say charges of impersonation of authority and if they try and collect fines theft
Wilhem, I need you to spin up a Crown Guard bulletin in plain Common to respond to this. Incorporate these key messages:
- Bandits have been impersonating Crown officials
- They may be working as a proxy for Arabel's enemies to undermine our good law and society
- Beware, stay clear, and report any suspicious activities to the Crown's official law enforcement - the militia and Crown Guard
- Fines are only to be collected by those wearing the uniform (mention our unique colours so that the smallfolk know what to look for)
- Any impersonation of a Crown official is a crime that will be punished accordingly.
I am open to reviewing the draft, otherwise finalise the papers and send one of the servants to hang them up.
As you wish. I shall work on this soon.
@nymeria -
Yesterday Marchetti and some bandits attacked Chaunteauns north of the city, They were forced to flee by myself, Elrinde and Adelaide. However Adelaide threw magic from wands recklessly and hit the farmers.
She was declared a Stray by Elrinde and I saw no reason to disagree due to her causing the deaths of innocents.
Remind me why we haven't apprehended them yet?
Up until the events at the farm all we had on them were that they were loud mouthed thugs .
Marchetti was indeed fined for possessing contraband in the faceless but at the time there was no reason to further detain him
At the farm Marchetti fled whilst his bandits fought myself and Adelaide whilst Florent just stood doing nothing,
It has now come to light Kold is a necromancer, Only revealed by Florent after traveling with them frequently to "Chronicle" their story and only after the Elven Fellowship announced the undead after fighting the Cyricists on the road to Immersea .
I'll be filing for a bounty on the Cyricists shortly.
Inform me when it is up, and whether you need any further evidence against our dear Stray and the Brute.
The bounty will go live if you sign off on it, I can confirm Miss Florent has reported the Cyricists use undead
Done. Although I do wonder if this serves their desire for infamy.
You have seen the bounty for your head, of course. Maybe when you put up the notice, describe the Inquisitors as "lazy, no-good bone charm peddlers who stumble in the way of Crown business".
Marek shouldn't be a problem anymore.
I negioated with him and paid him to take his men out the region to avoid further bloodshed and to weaken the Cyricists ability to collect these "tithes"
Enlil formerly of the Precept has revealed himself as a Cyricist and is apparently a Necromancer.
The temple of the Dark Sun gives thanks to Craven Dominic Swift for his donation of 10,000 gold to Warden Marek and the coffers of the Four Crowns.
His funds will be spent on expensive ale, whores and new steel for church butchery.
Have it known that the Crown Guard willingly contributes to and condones the works undertaken by The Fateless in its pursuit of utter domination over the Divine.
-Inquisitors Marchetti and Kold
Tell me this is a joke, or did bribing bandits fail spectacularly, as it was wont to do?
I expect it's Marchetti lying as he usually does to cause chaos. If Marek and his men return to banditry after his men were spared and given a chance to leave life's of crime I'll be displeased and deal with them harshly
We will see. In either case, I have little trust for those who turn to banditry, and the recent notices I've had put up will remind the citizenry that we will not tolerate their encroachment in these lands.
On a related note, I caution that while we may wish for the populace to perceive these Cyricists as fools, they are anything but. Their desire for infamy and influence drives them to act with audacity, tyranny and cruelty, but beneath the surface they are guided by guile and trickery. Their patron takes on many forms, contradictory perhaps, but dangerous nonetheless.
Both Kold and Marchetti are now official representatives of the church.
Whilst this gives them some protection against the law on magical crimes it doesn't mean they can do as they please.
Enlil is also not clergy and has no protections. He will be arrested for animating the dead next time I see him
Here is your intel. Do with it as you wish. You probably know half of it already.
[A letter, parts of it torn, is added to the file]
Both of them have served the Church in a minor capacity, since the rise of the faith. Kold felt a calling when the God rose, and Josef has served them as a servant, from what I understood. Both are fiercely devoted to their task. To promote their faith: Fear of death, fear of undeath, and chaos. That is their entire purpose.
When they became Ravens, their end game and assigned task was simple. They were to weaken the trust and faith in the Crownguard and Precept Arcanum. And they succeeded. Dominic has known for at least a week now, of what they do. I notified the Precept Arcanum when I found out what Kold was, a bloodcaster. Yet Kold found out, because the Precept Arcanum allowed a Cyric follower to remain within their ranks, feeding them information.
The banditry, the undead and publicly admitting to creating them, is evidence to their defiance. And they have succeeded in removing any shred of trust that the Precept Arcanum and Crownguard can or will do anything to stop them.
I made sure all knew of their misdeeds when I saw them fight the Great Druid on the road. Nothing happened. Since then, our scouts witnessed The Elven Fellowship and the Church of Cyric parlay in the Hullack Forest. I heard Kold mentioning something of a truce, though I cannot recall the exact wording. This was after I first saw them fight each other.
I have also witnessed a dark, shadow gate within the ruins of the Stonelands, in an old temple of the former god of the Sun. Their Deathsun, I believe, is what they are creating out there. I have not been part of such a ritual, or I would have attempted to stop it. But it reeks of their doing. They spoke of the ruins prior, and I have no doubt they are preparing something foul in the desert.@o-louth said in File: Cyricist Inquisition:
The study of Necromancy, and how to combat it
I have followed and carefully watched the necromancer Kord Witness, calling himself the Inquisitor, for a time now. For in order to fight our enemies, we must first try to understand them. What drives them, what actual powers do they have, and how do we efficiently combat them on the field.Kord Witness uses a mixture of summoned ghosts and animated corpses found on the roads. The "Saint Gregor" is a zombie or some sort, yet far more powerful and strong than I have ever encountered during my travels. He is also particulary fond of trolls. These trolls seem to regenerate their wounds, much like living trolls. They naturally spark terror in whomever tries to fight them, and they are suprisingly potent. I would imagine that one alone, would be able to somewhat match Dominic Swift in battle, to give you a proper reference.
He empowers them using the necromantic spell Stonebone, which seems to enhance their powers even more. He can control around 6 of these horrid monsters at a time, which makes him a one man army.
He uses common arcanist protections, such as Ghostly visage, mage armor and shield to protect himself, and he then lets his monsters do the fighting for him. As they fight, he will occasionally cast Negative Energy Burst into the frey. The spell seems to harm his enemies, while it strengthens and heals his undead servants. If the battle becomes tough, he will use invisibility on either himself or his undead servants. It is this way that he is able to move around unseen.
I would also suspect, that even if you find him on the road alone, you should not be suprised to find two or three undead minions hiding under the cloak of invisibility.Josef is a different monster entirely. He is a most capable warrior, who favors the double axe as his choosen weapon. His swift swings with the axe, is in itself a force to be reckoned with, and he should at no point be undeestimated. He is not above petty tactics, and he will flee, hide, and attack from invisibility if given the chance.
Having studied their methods and the way they fight and engage their enemies, the following suggestions to take them on is my best approach.
- protection against negative energy
- The spell or blessing dismissal may weaken the number of undead we will face
- Choking powder, and getting around the undead to engage Kord directly
They are far more capable than anyone have imagined, and they will become a danger to society soon enough. Kord is a former sheep herder, whose powers came to him when Cyric became a deity. They are both fiercely devoted to the cause, and I believe they have connections in Tilverton, and with the church itself. If so, their necromancy will not be enough legally to bring them to justice. The laws of Tilverton and Arabel permit official clergy the right to use necromancy at their discretion. And the act of necromancy itself is at best a serious crime.
That they mostly target brigands on the road and humanoids such as giants or trolls, from a legal stand point, leaves them with much leeway, and not enough evidence of wrong doing for them to be handed over to the Crownguard. Knowing Dominic, he will not engage them at any rate, unless he can win, which I currently doubt he can.
That Kord is a sorcerer, allows the Precept Arcanum some opportunity to bring them to justice, yet I doubt they will be allowed to, with their hands so deep in the pockets of Lord Misrim. And as long as they serve his desires of bringing strife and discord into the heart of Arabel, he will protect them as long as he can, until it becomes unbearable for his reputation to do so.Sabriel Florent
Kold uses some odd magic tentacles I have never seen cast before. They are highly effective.
To summon The Saint, he placed bones of some kind on the ground, an Onyx, Iron and the skin of a Dire Bear. Combined, this ritual is what gives the zombie its potency. -
I knew most of it yes.
Florent announced Kold as a Necromancer a week or so back which along with Marchettis banditry was the cause for the bounty request.
I presume she had already penned that long report and chose not to send it to us until now to claim she was performing her service. That she worked with them and allowed them to use undead under the guise of chronicling their deeds is quite disturbing to me as she claims to be an aspiring hero and undead are vile
When I arrested Marchetti was the first time I'd seen him in the city in a while so I acted.
Marchetti came into the Faceless and made demands over Fiendsbane again after threatening a member of Florents family.
I charged him with blackmail as I took the meaning of hand over a sword or the plane of death will be locked and dead will roam the earth as a threat, As Kold and Enlil are both known to use undead and have been leaving them on the road
I wanted to take his cloak and demand that the Knight who paid for his release last time answer as to why he continues with this thuggery
A Militiaman came in and intervened and said it wasn't blackmail and let him go but warned him making threats would lead to misunderstandings like this
No doubt Marchetti will stamp and whine and demand I am fired.
And you will be, if you do not remedy this situation. I am already recieving word that the mortuary has stopped operating and the dead are being refused funeral rites.
What makes you think you can assault a member of the clergy without evidence or valid justification? We uphold the law Dominic. We are not the Greywatch, we are not vigilantees. The man is a thug and a criminal no doubt, but we do not act until the time is right to do so.
You will go to this Marchetti, apologize for your conduct and pay them an appropraite fine within reason.
-Count Beliard Immerdusk
Count Immerdusk
Marchetti sent this to blueblood Ilesore
@greenlung said in Ilselore Montfaucon:
The Craven Dominic Swift is in possession of a sword which has the power, one way or another, to lay waste to potentially thousands.
Such an weapon of massive destruction, with the ability to drastically alter the Realm of the Dead, belongs in the hands of the Church of Cyric.
It will be handed over to us within three days.
Every day this fails to happen after this date will result in doors to the Plane of Death locking shut, the dead will roam the earth and the populace will be unable to see their loved ones achieve eternal rest.
Those who have shown respect and offered tithe to the church, and who continue to do so, will be exempt from the Cravens punishment.
An announcement will be made to the city once the deadline has lapsed.
You shall make preparations to receive me at your barracks shortly.
-Lord Inquisitor Marchetti, Herald of the Dawndeath
I assumed the part about the Plane of Death was a threat about further using undead as they known to do, I apologise for breaking the law and will apologise to the Church of Cyric, I didn't intend to break the law and did what I did with the aim of protecting the people from the Cyricists attempts to cower them into submission with their constant threats