Module Changes
Barbarian CUSTOM rages now not useable in heavy armour.
Default rage still allowed, however, that is a temporary stop gap. the original intention was, no raging in heavy armour, which will be implemented some time in the near(ish) future. This is because there may be some characters who weren't aware (though it does say on the forums) that this was the intention - because the scripting allowed it.
Also, made some modifications to the tying rope script, after I got a load of complaints about how sucky it is because some DM set people on missions to capture creatures or something.
It should now be a bit less of a faff to capture something. They roll a d10 to see if they try to escape now, on a 1, they try to escape, so much less of that.
Also, when they are free of the rope, they will fall down for a couple of rounds, giving you chance to get a head start on kicking their butt again (or to leave them where they are)
Added new cooking ingredient merchant in Arabel Historic District, next to all the cooking tables, so you don't have to run back and forth to get salt and stuff. Halfling, near all the stuff, can't miss him.
Quarter staff and Shuriken now count as Monk Weapons, in the same way that Kamas so.
The Historic District, Faceless Inn, Alleyways, Smuggler Route, and a few minor areas have been updated to reflect recent changes IG.
v7586 City walk quest unavailable due to closure of the Greywatch
Bugs fixed
- Maybe found the issue with crafting leather pouches
- Non-druid members of the Wildwalkers should now be able to access 'common' groves
- Pinwell at the palace should have orange name associated with quest NPCs
- Damage from Corrupted Large Earth Elemental should work properly now
- Attempted fix for wolf farm invasion
- Unblocked pathway in underground hidden grottos
- Fixed the Cape of the morning lord cost
- Fixed Winter Wolf studded and hide armor recipes/items
- Adjusted chests in Goldfeather tomb quest
- Edits to Awana Dawn's dialogue so players know where to go get paid
- Added prestige variable to sharktooth amulet
- Adjusted crafting noed on stonebolt trail and added some climbs so you can access them
Changes made
- Added juice bottles to brewing/baking shop since juices are needed to make pies
- Adjusted spawn location of some monsters in Smuggling Tunnels
- buffed/increased the difficulty of the sewer goblin quest making it on par for a 4-9
- Added a submenu to the Enchanting Altar so people can disenchant gems - might work?
- Fixed a trap in the Haunted Halls that kept firing
- Added a few resting places in the Haunted Halls to encourage further exploration
- Adjusted the auto-lock doors in the Haunted Halls
- All exploration areas now have hidden treasure spawns, the more dangerous the more spawns. Some have themed loot, others use generic treasures, more themed loot will be added over time.
- New dungeon area themed around the planar infestation in the Eastern Marches, there are two ways to access it
- Hillmarch Mines updated to reflect recent changes IG, more lore added after feedback
- Crown Guards area and NPCs now live
- Beaker is available once more
- Collinwood updated to reflect recent events!
- King's Forest and its quests updated to reflect recent events!
- New features to the King's Forest, aligning well with outcasts that aren't insane or (very)evil
- New feature warning potential exiles of the area ahead ICly, with ooc message in the description. Look for any "hangman" placeable IG, exiles have to keep track themselves where they are exiled to judge if its relevant for them
Update to the Underpassages: Starwater Flow
These can now be used by Exiles to get around (well, under, technically) Eveningstar in order to access the South Horn, and the Haunted halls.
There are no Blue NPC's, So you don't need a DM to enter there but bear in mind, the South-horn is under Eveningstars laws as the land belongs to them.
It was a bit weird that the exile passages, opened out into the area you were trying to avoid, even if it was on the very edge, it was still technically the area. That is now solved.
- All underpassages have been edited with more spawns, plot stuff, features, lore, and rewards
(been like this for a little while now actually)
Items will no longer get
"This was given to your by DM [X]" on the description anymore. - This is tracked internally via other systems now.
One (of many!) reasons for this change, is so that items dropped by DM's, are no longer distinguishable from items dropped by players, this should make it nicer when trying to avoid metagaming things.
If any items a DM hands out get's marked like this in future, please BUG report it.
Bugs fixed
Haunted Halls
Added more triggers for spawns to Haunted Halls.
Lowered the DC on some of the hidden stuff in the Halls.
Upped the DC to detect the traps
More details added.
New creatures made/addedCrafting
Players can spawn the items on the table instead of their inventory.
Edited all the bulk resources in shops.
Edits to juice and oil making recipes - they're all level 1 recipes now. XP adjusted.
All essences now require Essence Reagent available at the appropriate shops for 5gp each.
The Alchemical Reagent needed for potions are available at the appropriate shops for 10gp each.
The number of Alchemical Reagent for making potions has been reduced.
The number of essences required to make potions has been reduced to 1 each.
You no longer lose your essence if you fail the DC for making the potion.
You keep holy water/fairydust/etc if you fail the DC for making the potion.
New mephits and new demons added
New section of Haunted Halls open
New quest inside new section of Haunted Halls
New imps added
Bugs Fixed implemented
New metal armor stats
added all new armors (copper)
updated enchanted shields stats
fixed the exit from the haunted halls flooded cavern -
V 7649
All "modes" will drop if you get paralysed or otherwise physically hindered.
This includes:
And they will drop if you are:
Some crafting stuff added to a building in High Crimmond.
Can also do outfits and stuff there now.
The Helmlands have been updated to reflect recent events
King's and Queen's Abyss updated with more lore
CARES issue in the King's and Queen's Abyss resolved
Terinav bushes didnt have stackable inventory; fixed; updated all instances
Blue whinnis bushes didnt have stackable inventory; fixed; updated all instances
Gem Crusher in Immersea had wrong tag; fixed
Dire Rat leather should now work
jaguar cloak stats now match forums
finalized metal bracers with Professor's help and Shark's input
added weight reduction to silver-coated throwing axes to make them inline with other crafted throwing axes
Added new item "Medicine Bag" to alchemy & palette
Added healing kits to alchemy (might later remove them from tailoring, idk)
Added Wolf Items to tailoring
Added some scummy recipes
Added more amethyst nodesQuests
Flagon Held High (Tilverton) - fixed missing hidden trap door.
Darendaal Crypt (High Road) - Frosty Halberd had typo in prestige variable making it not count upon turn-in. Fixed.
Knightswood tomb quest: put the elven statue armor back in its inventory
Quest levels on forums/in game set to same
Irondrake updated all spawns from bioware to coa customs
Adjusted quest xp/gp based on Admin discussionMisc.
Missing heads on NPCs
Added bounty hunter to High Crimmond
High Crimmond Merchants no longer discriminate
Winking Moon had wrong iAreaInfo variable so that might've been the issue? idk. we'll see
Added doorway transitions for the forest of eyes war camp
Maybe fixed Grove of Kings for Wildwalker access -
- Wool you look at that - final npc moved to collinwood and renamed Josefin Tallbridge
- Tightly timed delivery - final npc moved to collinwood and renamed Erika Tumbleweed
- Courtier - Ivar replaced with Ritter, moved to Collinwood from Eveningscar
- Courtier - Dewdrop moved to Arabel alleyways, as Ritter is a lot further away than Ivar was, finishes the quest more locally too
- Tessaril's Tower - Tessaril moved to Underground: Starwater Flow, along with the quest entrance
- Ancient Watchtower - Replaced Alice with a non-person quest giver
- Starwater Tomb - NPC moved to Collinwood, minor tweaks to the first area to reflect location change
- Report Collector (Former Harvest report) - moved to Tilverton, all NPCs renamed Daymond > Thomas > Tia > Crystal > Weronica > Harry > Maxine
- Some lore placeables moved around to other areas, redundant NPCs removed/moved
- Area light tweaked