[WITHDRAWN] KnockKnock/Elitzio Rivior/Special background/Curse/Special Item
New app
Elitzio Rivior :: Barbarian :: Chaotic Evil -
Applying For:
• Descendent of Lord Rivior, bandit who had the Haunted Halls built.
• Curse: Custom Barbarian Rage. Explored at the end.
• House Rivior Signet Ring: Serves as a "soul jar", purely roleplay piece, Elitzio will seek to collect souls. -
Lord Rivior was a famed bandit responsible for the Haunted Halls in the Starwater Gorge. His little celebrated family grew up in his shadow unbeknownst to the wider realm. In the depths of the Haunted Halls Rivior awoke foul magics which ought not be disturbed and brought upon himself a curse.
The Haunted Halls are a name well earned, with Lord Rivior himself being the first soul haunted. A demonic curse lay upon his shoulders, a possession which has slithered from host to host through the Rivior family for long generations..
- Goals:
House Rivior
I. Elitzio is going to found House Rivior; take on Retainers and build a faction about himself.
I.a. The faction at its core is going to be an infernalist cult.
I.b. Day-to-day objectives of the faction:
○ Explore and master infernalism.
○ Further the ends of Demons in Arabel (support them in the Hillsmarch metaplot etc)
○ Curry favour in City politics as power to wield and negotiate with.
○ Seek out riches and conventional loot etc with a view to building a cache to barter for Player souls.
○ Recruit players into the cult, those that willfully give themselves to Elitzio will have their souls captured in his signet ring for a future ritual.
Haunted Halls
II Paired with the above, the factions public facing priority will be the retaking of the Haunted Halls. Viewing the Halls as his inheritance and birthright, the House will make a point of claiming them.
II.a. The House will undertake regular purging expeditions of the Halls. We'll undertake regular scripted quests in and around the West by way of clearing nearby hostile elements.
II.b. We will hold events in the Haunted Halls and through them seek to reclaim sections. For instance, a capture the flag challenge which is meant to A) be entertaining for the players, B) reinforce the Hauntrd Halls as ours and C) clear out hostiles on our behalf.
II.c. The House will undertake/sponsor wards and rituals designed to secure chambers of the Haunted Halls - Obtaining reagents through adventure.Curse of Rivior
III A largely unexplained Curse, as best as Elitzio understands it the curse is a meagre fragment of a greater Demon that has been interwoven in the very fibre of the Rivior line. The fragment, though meek, is ever present and wills Elitzio to depraved ends. He can often be found complaining of migraines, or speaking to himself in hushed whispers, or trying his latest tonic and remedy. He might be considered mad - and perhaps he is - were it not for its sole manifestation: When Elitzio engages his Barbarian Rage the Demonic curse is empowered and takes ahold, transforming Elitzio into the dormant demonic form.
III.a. The Curse will be weaponised for recruitment, souls will be given not to Elitzio but to Xulvoth (Elitzios ulta-ego). With the transformation a tactical hint of latent powers.
III.b. Elitzios goal is to master his curse, to conduct a ritual to engage the demonic shell permanently but retain control. This will be ventured in a ritual once he has retaken the Haunted Halls, found the source of his curse and captured no small amount of souls in his signet ring as fuel.
III.c. The Curse will sit at the heart of House Rivior and be a closely guarded faction secret. We will explore a tenuous relationship with the Precept, fearing he will be viewed as nothing more than a specimen to be probed he will seek to keep them at arms length.Character Notes
○ I will be pursuing the Blackguard PrC with this character.
○ I will be liable to attack allies when in Rage, showing a suppressed consciousness. -
There is nothing in the Haunted Halls (as yet) to suggest any infernal/demonic activity. All of the stuff in there the is undead, slimes, oozes, kobolds, and owlbears. There are hints to torture, experimentation (dissection/vivisection?), and murder, but nothing about infernalism. I asked KnockKnock for clarification.
[9:50 AM] Knockknock: Hey Echo! Any early swings on the reworked app?
[10:05 AM] Echo: I just posted it yesterday
[10:05 AM] Echo: ok, uh, day before 😄
[10:05 AM] Echo: days blur together for me in the summer
[10:06 AM] Echo: no comments yet though
[10:08 AM] Echo: curious though - where did you get the idea that anything in the halls was connected to infernalism when everything in there is undead, slimes, oozes, kobolds, and owlbears. there are hints to torture, experimentation, and murder, but nothing about infernalism
[10:22 AM] Knockknock: Oh, absolutely nothing linked to the Halls, just tried to retain the haunted aspect of the original concept but move away from Undeath.
[10:23 AM] Knockknock: Didn't spy anything infernal there and apply it, just felt I could work with infernalism in much the same way I was intending to do necromancy.
[10:24 AM] Knockknock: Doesn't mesh together as cleanly, but still think it'd work.
[10:27 AM] Echo: Will post this for the Team to read. I'm heading out for a few hours. -
Seems pretty cool to me.
We could ,as DM's, just not tell him that he isn't in fact descended from Rivior at all, and this demon has simply made him believe he is, in order to take over the halls for itself.
He's asking for an update.
He messaged me as well. Not excited by this nor do I think we want to make a custom barbarian rage (curse). Not a no but won’t be giving a yes.
@prof-misclick Instead of adding a new rage, would the ghost one work?
That said, there is STILL no demon in Haunted Halls.
This would require us to make up lore for it and make changes to the Halls themselves. -
@echo said in KnockKnock/Elitzio Rivior/Special background/Curse/Special Item:
@prof-misclick Instead of adding a new rage, would the ghost one work?
That said, there is STILL no demon in Haunted Halls.
This would require us to make up lore for it and make changes to the Halls themselves.There is a ghost rage song? I don’t remember balancing that for EE but happy to be proven wrong. As for the demon lore in the Haunted Halls- forget it. It’s not part of canon (that I’ve ever read) nor is it part of a larger story.
I guess I am talking myself into voting no. This app is too big an ask and with stuff unsupported/too much work.
@prof-misclick It's the rage that puts the little ghosts around you. Not rage song. That was my miswording. https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/56914/dm-loot-custom-stuff-for-bard-and-barbarian
@zool said in KnockKnock/Elitzio Rivior/Special background/Curse/Special Item:
Seems pretty cool to me.
We could ,as DM's, just not tell him that he isn't in fact descended from Rivior at all, and this demon has simply made him believe he is, in order to take over the halls for itself.
Hey peeps. Did you read this?
Means there's no demon lore needed, he just thinks he's descended from rivior, with a demon curse in the family, but it's a demon fucking him over.
Dunno, think it'd work myself but I guess this gonna be a no.
I'm a tad exited by it, mostly because the player just did a load of stuff that made a tonne of fun for a lot of players, and I reckon they'll do it again with this, just in a different way.
3:06 PM] Knockknock: Hey Echo! Has there been any chatter off the back of yesterday? I'm due back from a holiday Sunday evening and would love to dive into something, so want to see whether I should be making alternative plans. Cheers.
[4:30 PM] Echo: It's being discussed. But, from my 2 cents: There is no demon association with the Halls. Approving the app means we have to make some up, add lore, change the Halls completely from what they are.
[4:32 PM] Echo: I will let the others give their input.
[5:00 PM] Knockknock: Definitely don't want to force you back to the drawing board on the Haunted Halls; I was looking to retain the core original concept of House Rivior: a Haunted family operating under a curse, seeking to reclaim the Haunted Halls.
[5:01 PM] Knockknock: Undead fit perfectly but is obviously a no go with the Undead PC hurdle; infernalism was my second choice just because of the surrounding Hilssmarch plot line adding a further element to delve into.
[5:01 PM] Echo: House Rivior: a Haunted family operating under a curse, seeking to reclaim the Haunted Halls.
[5:02 PM] Echo: I mean you can claim they're yours, doesnt mean the Crown, or the Duchy of Eveningstar will recognize that claim 😄
[5:02 PM] Echo: I get that a curse adds more mystery to a concept
[5:02 PM] Knockknock: No doubt! Can't imagine anyone would acknowledge it. That's the journey!
[5:02 PM] Echo: and gives you something else to cause conflict with
[5:02 PM] Knockknock: Yes! I love hidden layers.
[5:05 PM] Knockknock: I was just doing some research around the established terrors in the Haunted Halls and came across these gems:
[5:05 PM] Knockknock: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Ghaunadan
[5:05 PM] Knockknock: I don't know if something could be weaved there, but I feel as though I'm straying too far from the core concept in pursuit of layers that probably subtract from the gist.
[5:07 PM] Echo: Oh i'm so going to add those as monsters
[5:07 PM] Knockknock: I suppose I just worry if its just House Rivior looking to retake the Haunted Halls, will people even dispute it? Getting rid of horrible nasties in there sounds like a win for everyone. But if the House itself was steeped in some queer mystery, it'd draw some resistance/conflict.
[5:09 PM] Knockknock: Ghaunadaur could be a cool cult behind the front of House Rivior that better fits the HH.
[5:11 PM] Echo: There are slimes in the Halls, but there are slimes in all sorts of subterranean places. But yeah, it does feel like you're determined to be connected to Rivior & the Halls, but you're also reaching for some.... weirdness, to add to it
[5:11 PM] Echo: I need to afk to start dinner, but will peak over here while cooking if you want to brainstorm something
[5:13 PM] Knockknock: That's unabashed the dream! Really like the established history of Rivior and the Halls, feel its been a largely overlooked aspect of CoA for decades. Would love to make it the focal point of a PC plot/concept.
[5:14 PM] Echo: I had a plan for a plot related to a spoiler that is already in the Halls, but I need Zool's level of scripting to be able to pull it off.
[5:14 PM] Echo: It's on my agenda for the summer though to at least get it built.
[5:15 PM] Knockknock: Zool is a wizard! I'm sure he can cook up some scripting sorcery.
[5:15 PM] Knockknock: But yeah, really wed to the Rivior/Halls skeleton of the concept. I just really like layers upon layers, and I guess some weirdness bubbling beneath the surface is my wheelhouse and I'm looking to find the perfect marriage for it all.
[5:16 PM] Knockknock: Desperately clawing at the surface because I think there's something there. Just can't quite line up all the stars.
[5:19 PM] Knockknock: Sounds as though Undeath is a no go (reconsider? Pls?), infernalism isn't really a fit, can't see what to do with owlbears or kobolds short of some draconic cult with the latter- which leaves ooze. Unless there's anything else down there that can be worked with?
[5:23 PM] Echo: You can do an ooze cult. You can "base" on some of the weird "research" that you can find in the Halls. You can go Ghaunadaur cleric or wizard? I dont see how you can directly connect it to Rivior himself, but you dont need to be connected to him. Do weird experiments with slimes.
[5:37 PM] Knockknock: Eechhhhooooo
[5:37 PM] Knockknock: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Juiblex
[5:38 PM] Knockknock: Demon Lord, which is a front for Ghaunadaur.
[5:42 PM] Echo: thats cool
5:55 PM] Echo: What are you thinking now?
[5:55 PM] Knockknock: I'm currently reading up on Juiblex. -
[12:05 AM] Knockknock: Hey Echo, thanks for the help last night, can you revise it to the below for me; simplified it down to purely the special background and roleplay curiosities, no mechanics:
[12:05 AM] Knockknock: Will PM it to you, or someone else given you're likely asleep!
[12:20 PM] Echo: I was totally asleep 🙂
[2:43 PM] Knockknock: Haven't got hold of anyone in the interim anyway! Advice. Concept as stands; the app currently in, going down a dead end I assume? Advice sought. I'm in two minds as to whether work shop it, or park it for later down the line perhaps when you've moved background Haunted Halls shenanigans into focus and roll something else off the shelf of concepts in the meantime.
[2:48 PM] Echo: Did you PM me the updated one? with slime stuff?
[2:49 PM] Knockknock: I did not. Had a crisis of confidence; umming and erring whether to revisit it at a later date.
[2:49 PM] Echo: ahh 🙂
[2:50 PM] Echo: Hm. What else do you have on the shelf?
[2:51 PM] Knockknock: A Misrim cousin, a Sickly Oak Wildwalker and an Ilmateran Paladin are three concepts I had ready to roll aside the Rivior angle.
[2:51 PM] Echo: Sickly Oak Wildwalker would fit nicely with what is going on IG currently
[2:51 PM] Knockknock: Didn't know whether it was jumping on the bandwagon a week after it set off down the road?
[2:52 PM] Echo: The "prelude" was only just a meeting of the local circles to discuss the Helmlands/Beholder HIve
[2:52 PM] Knockknock: Ah, so not too deep into things.
[2:52 PM] Echo: Nope.
[2:53 PM] Echo: Basically it told the current WWs to come up with a plan and recruit help.
[2:54 PM] Knockknock: Alright, I'll scramble the words together and send it over if thats alright? So long as it doesn't piss off the team who might've spent however long debating the current concept in for consideration to suddenly park it.
[2:55 PM] Echo: You really dont need much of an app for Sickly Oak Wildwalker. And if you are going pure druid, you get into the faction at creation.
[2:55 PM] Knockknock: Its a Lycan.
[2:55 PM] Knockknock: Vision was Lycan priest of the Sickly Oak.
[2:55 PM] Echo: Oh ... yeah that will require a really good app 😄
[2:56 PM] Knockknock: Will a mediocre app with the promise of good deeds suffice?
[2:56 PM] Echo: hahah
[2:56 PM] Echo: Maybe. -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on