Verk/Rank 4/Black Chalice - Landed Knight -- SET
Verk/Pierre is starting to (finally) outsource to his companions. Jenny Whitlock/Adam Whitlock and most recently, Barris (orin).
I want to reward this very un-verk like behavior as he includes others in his resolutions in the most positive re-enforcement way I can think of. Max rank in his faction.
He's also done numerous fun things including others, such as staging tons of events where everyone watches him pummel other players with his sword, and organizing patrols to apprehend criminals on the wanted lists and the like. He also reaches out OOC on behalf of his faction members (which I really appreciate) to help get them supported IG. He's doing great.
Most recently, he outsourced an important job rested on his shoulders (this caravan to Immersea from Tilverton) to his lesser Raven, Jenny Whitlock, who was in charge of the security of the mission. Mission went great.
Now he wants to create more player on player interaction as he tries to rip out the remaining Sembians who struck at him. It's just all plot, all the time with Verk and I like what he's doing with the DM attention he gets. He deserves a big nod.
My vision;
If Verk can rip out the Sembian Merchants, creates fun intriguing conflict amongst the players, have Misrim replace the Gilded Scales in Immersea with Verk as the owner of the establishment. (landed knight in control of the misrim merchant office in immersea) Essentially make him an NPC. (maybe we give him a couple weeks IG to enjoy the privileges but we make it clear hes retiring as an NPC in Immersea, Tilverton representative)
Pierres' not a merchant, but Obyn could easily use him as a protector of his immersea affairs. Would also show some awesome development IG based on IC actions. Pierre is by far my favorite Cockroach of Chapter 2
COA. -
No way, he isn't even near telling fun stories enough to warrant knighthood
Bringing this up again.
I won't list all of his achivements here but check the link:
I have run a handful of events for him, he has really pushed plots and has been very consistent with elevating his house and Misrim. He has pulled in many PCs and kept me quite busy tbh!
I'd like to see some kind of special position or rank 4 for him at this point.
His most recent achieve was slaying another wanted criminal Black Velvet, through three different events, and always rolling with the punches and sharing the glory when he can.
I thought Knight of the Black Chalice is a special position.
To be fair...
He deserves a Sir in front of his name.
Switching my vote to yes.
@spiffymeister said in Verk/Rank 4/Black Chalice - Landed Knight:
He deserves a Sir in front of his name.
He's a Knight of the Church, not a knight of the realm, thus, not a "sir".
@echo that’s what we’re voting on tho
Rank 4 Black Chalice gets sir just like rank 4 in the Aster does. “Landed” is no though and frankly meaningless in our setting currently.
We can give Verk the choice of Special position House of Coin OR Rank 4 in the Black Chalice and get a Sir.
Either count as a Special Position for perks.
@prof-misclick works for me
@spiffymeister said in Verk/Rank 4/Black Chalice - Landed Knight:
@prof-misclick works for me
No land 👍
Yeah no one need land until they retire!
Calling this confirmed then
It doesn't look like anything was done for this. He should get a Sir title and additional wage? Gear?
From what I've heard (I havent looked), he has all the gear he could ever use. Maybe a x/day useful spell(s) item?
Do knights of the church get "sir" title? If yes, then someone who knows how can change his name. -
I’ve been meaning to run him a custom quest to hurt his knighthood. Something suitably grim and dark
He is now the HOUND
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