Craft wand feat not working with player crafted wands.
I've tried to make a wand of bulls, barkskin, hold monster all give me the same message. Never made a wand on the PC before.
was it a shop bought wand or a crafted one?
@cadiz It was with PC crafted wands. Tested with store wands and it works, with the bone wand you made it does not work.
Probably the player crafted blank wands are not the right base item type. I think there are a few wand base item types - and the imbueing system must be fussy about which specific one is ok.
Check base item type of store bought wand blanks, and make the player made ones match, should fix it.
I thought I fixed this... hm..
Will take another look. -
I’ve made dozens of bone wands for Misa since your fix and they’ve worked so not sure why they aren’t again suddenly
it might be that they were made before you fixed it echo, i crafted them a week or more ago -
@cadiz this is probably why. Any that were made before the fix still won’t work. Need to make new ones.
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