Let's get some more Storytellers
So, this has been a topic in gen chat for a bit, so I'm transferring some thoughts over to here for more visibility to the DM team since there were none around at the time during the chats in the discord.
With the server pop being on the rise again, and with the most active storyteller going on break with his plot being finished, we are going to see almost no DMs except Spiffy in game, probably for a long while. Last time this happened the server pop steadily dropped until it was 0/55 for a long while.
We’re going to burn Spiffy out and there won’t be enough time for DM/PC interaction to push things forward which’ll lead to the drain of interest and player participation which would be a real shame. We have active DM faction PC's, we have a thriving PC faction and plenty of cool stories being told by players all over the spectrum.
I'd like to suggest we start actively finding more storytellers and while that is going on, try to find ways to push efforts forward. Even if it's something like asking players that're working on something to do a proxy item or IG quest (like how Viktoria ran the Bospir farmer's quest. There was DM participation, but you could just as easily do it without by asking the PC to send screenshots of them doing x thing and post it to the forums.)
This'd keep interest going without draining time from DM's busy lives and keep some form of momentum going while Storytellers step forward or are found. This way the players stay engaged and have fun, keeping the server pop alive, instead of just letting it die down again and waiting for the next surge in 6 months that might not happen.
It’s an opportune time to add Storytellers and they’re desperately needed right now.
100% agree with this.
Theres been a severe lack of DM activity in the EU TZ for ages now, And mainly Primo and Spiffy in the US TZs.
When theres only 1 or 2 DMs they can unfortunately burn out quick and if theres only a few and they burn out you are back to 0 which is when players start to leave as theres no way to progress plots when you need a DM if there are no active DMs
Good timing. We have a Storyteller who is coming back. Good news/bad news scenario is I plan to be more IG as well.
I don't know if 2 DMs and an Admin are going to be enough for upwards of 15 to 20 players. Especially when the module doesn't have much to offer outside of CoA's history of DM interactivity.
I think we had this convo before when I was last active.
Trust me, if we could go to the storyteller shop and buy a few, we would, but we gotta recruit em from the playerbase and that has a lot of facets
The subject keeps popping up because unfortunately a reliance on 1 or 2 Storytellers to essentially carry the entire server seems to be a trend. The second they burn out or go on a break, it's basically a dead month.
@acemvi Yep, it's not good. But real hard to solve, is what I'm saying.
Seems like more players = more candidates for being a Storyteller. Maybe relaxing the rules a bit on switching between player and Storyteller status isn't such a bad idea in that regard. That way adding a Storyteller doesn't necessarily have to mean taking a player away.
I volunteer
@v-rage I do agree with verks sentiment that the EU timezones are really quiet in terms of story tellers/story etc. If a EU players wants to get involved in some of the plots they have to try to stay up to the AM or hope that one of the US timezoners happen to get on alittle earlier than normal.
It can be alittle disheartening/demotivating trying to get in on plots and missing a ton from them, let alone being able to actually push things.
Yes, I do understand that it is a difficult thing and story tellers are hard to find but I really think the players are around in these times and some activity would see a boom in activity rather than it just being a quiet time to quest/craft.
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on
We have had new and old faces come back, if people are interested in storytelling/building they are always welcome to contact an admin.