Fake sendings - Discord
in the first place, if you impersonate someone ICly and the target hears the sending, then why would a response over Discord change their response?
Because responding in discord saying that wasn't you is metagaming.
@Merne23 If that person isn't near a sender at the time, then discord allows them to instantly reveal the fake.
Metagame is my point exactly. And if this is supposed to be in times of low DM activity or without a DM intervening, making another rule about this seems rather moot?
That means y’all taking discord seriously, instead of IG
@Merne23 It would be good for whats going on IG to avoid situations that create metagaming to a sending. Whether there is a DM online or not doesn't matter, its about players creating events themselves automatically being spoiled before they get a chance to play out.
Sendings are anonymous, if the impersonated character wants to say it's not them they should make a sending themselves or run to wherever and stop those assembling in person. Then they can all go investigate the adventure/intrigue together.
I'm not speaking on behalf of the admin team officially here, as it's not been discussed yet.
To me, this is metagaming, and falls under those rules. As in, it is essentially cheating, which is warnings, then bans.
However, this is a discord/game crossover, and again, not an official ruling.
I'm all for keeping things IC and having OOC courtesy. That said if any metagaming occurs, be sure to discuss with an admin so it can be handled appropriately. We all make mistakes and love talking about the game through discord and sometimes someone may need a reminder.
The sending system is a significant tool for hero and villain alike. To devise plans to lure and defeat your enemies! Not to mention the political benefits of impersonating others pcs or one of my personal favorites, NPCS! Let's work together to keep things in check best we can for the sake of fun. If that requires a specific mention within the rules then I am all for it but I would say it falls under metagaming.
Crazy idea. Why don’t we have the deception/bluff skill play a role in this, doesn’t have to be a high dc.
Good idea, hard to implement responsibly.
It is an RPG, its as simple as not commenting on something ooc when you just happen to be in discord. I'm sure accidents will happen, the post is just about player courtesy.
However you do bring up a decent point regarding social skills. There are plenty of people with negative cha leading parties and not rolling social skills often enough. Something we need to crack down on imo. Low cha, bluff, disc, yadayada can translate to be roleplayed several different ways - but if you have a negative stat - a weakness, it ought to be RP'd as such.
You shouldn't need a bluff skill for a sending since.. Most sendings are through a "cryer" anyway (Kenku/Raven Messenger) who run off. The "sending message" is just words they've heard and are parroting what they've heard. They don't know if its true or not, and I doubt they care unless it refers to murdering Kenku or messenger birds.
@Zool said in Fake sendings - Discord:
To me, this is metagaming, and falls under those rules. As in, it is essentially cheating, which is warnings, then bans.
To "echo" Zool (see what I did there?), I think it's metagaming, too. Not an official ruling, just my opinion.
Don't "out" IC information on discord, sendings or anything else. Its lame and can fall under metagaming :)
Let things be a mystery, if you have a IC question/statement, do it IG or on the bulletin board. -
and ofc, if you have questions or concerns, ping a dm on discord :D