[No]Rosetango/Lucy Astoria/Werecat APP
1). Half elf/Bard/Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral/9, before Lycan is applied/Lucy Astoria
2). Lycanthropy, werecat (ritualistically cursed, Selunite or Sehanine Moonbow hopefully), Wildwalkers as an ally/patron if applicable, and a relevel so that I can get toughness earlier, just to give me a little bit more survivability when it comes to PVP given that at the time of applying, Lucy's total HP is 45 and so I can redo my spells appropriately if I do get deleveled upon having Lycan applied.
Goal 1: Lucy wants to figure out how to cure her madness/regain her memories. This is a long-term story-line that doesn't necessarily end upon completion - Lucy, depending on several factors (contributed to by players) when she regains her memories, may go insane. If she goes insane, will she still be goodhearted, or will she go balls off the walls evil? Will she be neither, a complete wildcard, potentially chaos incarnate? This outcome relies on the players present. The technical cure to her madness is a greater restoration or regular restoration depending on 3.5e rules (only played 5e), and to create further player involvement, I would like to be able to do a scene where those in the restoration ritual ("assisting") essentially enter a psychic landscape and go through her locked memories. This may take several sessions to do so, and can be totally roleplayed rather than forcing everybody into a new area. I'm very fluid as to what can be done here, and am open to feedback.
1a: Lucy herself is already breaking down. Due to recent events (thanks Bowser!) Lucy had entered a temporary catatonic state due to being chased down by Boravar - it reminded Lucy's subconscious of when her village was being raided by barbarians - so upon being mechanically winded, she retreated into her mind to spare her conscious self the terror, and relived the moments when she was trapped in the rubble with her dead parents. Lucy has become a tad more reckless as a result - and even unhinged.Goal 2: Save Arabel from....
2a: The Beholder at the bottom of the Yawning Chasm. He needs to be stopped, or so Lucy believes he must be - in the meantime, she plans on assisting the Neogi in their attempts at freedom, and sending them to the Underdark where they will live in harmony with the local ecosystem, and no longer threaten Arabel.
2b: The Scarlet Syndicate. She knows of their sins, their spies and that a warlock or something similar is among them... she may not be able to directly do so, but she wants to be able to enable it.
2c: The vampires, and undead.
2d: She doesn't actually have any solid plans to stopping them, other than slowly grinding them down by spreading rumors about what she believes to be the truth. How very chaotic of her.
2e: Lucy believes that the only way to level the playing field against the threats seemingly besieging Arabel on all sides is to become a Lycanthrope, having seen how powerful Vossler was. A part of Lucy thinks it was even a divine omen to be presented this chance, as she had looked up to the myth of the lythari growing up.Goal 3: She wants to bring justice for non-evil lycanthropes and advocate for their rights or at the very least less villification. She wants to work as a representative between the Lycans in the Wildwalkers and Selunite temples, the forests, and civilization.
3a: She also wants to document her unique experience as a lycanthrope half-elf bard.
3b: She would like to form a unique neutral player faction called The Outcasts based in the edges of the Hullack, geared towards giving all rejected of Arabel a chance, a home and some warm food. Basically, because Lucy is nuts and Selune is a god of wanderers, seekers, etc. she wants to reflect that with her compassion. It also makes her feel warm and fuzzy. I have no idea how it'll work, but I do imagine that there are consequences to this. The base itself will be a heavily enforced neutral zone, meaning that anybody starting fights will be kicked out.5). Taken directly from my discord private messages with the lovely Lord Ace:
Rosetango — 04/09/2021
OK so the plan with lucy's memory is still pretty vague and whether or not she turns good or evil is up to the people helping her... she may not even turn insane depending on how it's handled, but if she does goes insane she may still have good or bad intentions
lucy's bg is that she was raised in a rural village in Amn by a human father and elf mother, unfortunately good times do not last and the village, lacking any real protection, gets razed & burned by a raiding barbarian tribe. there are SOME survivors besides herself but most of the village population is dead, including her mother & father which she essentially watched die but didn't understand. she ended up being rescued by a priest the following morning who tended to her wounds. she wanders the coast for a while after her mind unable to deal with the grief "locks" it away, gets into a bardic college along the way due to a natural penchant for music and an endorsement probably from a kind hearted tymoran, and finally arrives in arabel after she "graduates"6). I understand, out of character, the consequences of becoming a lycanthrope. I know that I may be exiled from the city. I know that I may die. But as long as people give me a chance and don't just gank me for existing, I think I will be okay. I would like to be the Werecat variety of Lycanthropy.
Gregory Fleck is heavily involved in these concepts and will be performing the Selunite ritual to curse (or bless) me with Lycanthropy. I am also fairly new to Neverwinter Nights, so I believe that all of the OPness of the Lycans will be balanced out by my inexperience with PVP and game in general, alongside my class. -
No, I don't see her having earned it. Neither am I confident in her understanding of CoA lycans and their beastly nature, plus the responsibility and conflict tendencies. The player isn't a huge fan of PvP
No. For all the reasons Puffy said. Also she is level 10 so there is not downside of suddenly getting an ECL +2 race. There will be no IC consequences since she’s established as a PC. Character should be working on retirement story.
She's not even a faithful of Selune or Sehanine Moonbow, but of Cyric. If it were either of the prior, I might've said yes.
@Prof-Misclick tending to agree with this. As a story finale, turning into a lycan and running off into the woods as retirement, I could accept that, but Echo is correct - the deity is wrong. May be she just set it randomly, as a bard it doesn't matter I don't think - and she just picked up Selune in game after learning. Possible, but either way, as a continuation to the pc I dont see how this works as an above-standard app.
If we are continuing the trend of ECL2+ as a micro-DM, the desires of the pc do not directly affect others, and thus I don't think this is a pass.
Puffy — Today at 08:12
Hey, sorry to say but your application for werecat has been rejected. The reason being that we feel Lucy is already at the end of her story and haven't really gone about to earn the infliction of a werecat. Note also that playing a lycan is a very PvP and conflict heavy responsibility, with a lot of expectations which the DM team isn't certain you have an interest in.
Rosetango — Today at 08:14
...but I made efforts to gather cat based potions, did a ritual for a star sapphire, got a moonstone, and skinned various big cats.
I have tons of other cat related memorabilia (catnip) and the like in my inventory, as well.
unless that's not what you mean by earn.
Puffy — Today at 08:16
Sorry but themeing rites around cats isn't enough to earn the affliction of a werecat :slight_smile: Its about involving players in a story, running DMless encounters on your own themed around the afflication. Being a werecat does not mean being a cat, its a different creature entierly even if it has similarities to a cat.
Rosetango — Today at 08:16
I... did plan on involving players, though.
I thought I outlined that in my app.
Puffy — Today at 08:17
No worries, I get you're disappointed but lycans are very hard to earn and get approved. Because of their power, conflict heavy tendencies, and the fact they are literally kill on sight.
Rosetango — Today at 08:17
And... I'm also nowhere near the end of Lucy's story.
Puffy — Today at 08:18
That's fine, it's entierly up to you when you wrap up your PC. But the DM team does not see it as a suitable path for Lucy.
Rosetango — Today at 08:19
Also, why /does/ lycan have to be PVP heavy?
Puffy — Today at 08:20
They are monsters which spread an affliction upon others. Especially infected lycans are unstable, beastal, and uncontrolable.
Rosetango — Today at 08:21
And I planned on doing that but I don't think a CG werecat would seek out random people to harm unless they saw them as prey. I really wanted to play that angle and thought it would be fun.
Puffy — Today at 08:23
The issue is that its not about what a lycan wants when they are afflicted, they are an uncontrolable mess.
Rosetango — Today at 08:23
Lucy is already a mess. She's... literally insane. She has a madness.
Puffy — Today at 08:24
Then she would most likely become a volatile beast, attacking everything and everyone around her if she was affliected.
And I get the feeling that isn't something you're into :slight_smile: -
@Puffy said in [No]Rosetango/Lucy Astoria/Werecat APP:
CG werecat
I thought we made them evil anyway. Canon-wise they're CG though.
@Lord_Acererak said in [No]Rosetango/Lucy Astoria/Werecat APP:
the deity is wrong. May be she just set it randomly, as a bard it doesn't matter I don't think - and she just picked up Selune in game after learning
@Lord_Acererak said in Rosetango/Lucy Astoria/:lucy is a not-so-sane bard whose entire village was slaughtered and burned to the ground. she saw her parents die to save her, so in her grief, she prayed for cyric (or anyone) to take away the pain. so, she couldn't remember various chunks of time in her life, and if she thinks about it too hard it begins to hurt. this is a consequence for asking deities for help :^)
Cyric is part of her backstory.
But feel free to add to it
More, on CoA, lycans are exclusively evil for the player base. No hero kitties.
Yeah it seems we havent said that werecats arent CG in CoA like they are in canon. Maybe make a note in the Lycanthrope threads where they're listed to give their alignments.Nevermind
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