[NO-CLOSED]Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace
1). Half-Orc/Fighter/True Neutral/0 (Going pure fighter)/Abagail Sloan
2). Wereboar Subrace
Born of a Lycanthropic Orcish warrior and the sole survivor of a raided village, Abagail had a fairly Atypical childhood. Living in a secluded woodland hut with her mother, fighting off bandits and beasts from their home to protect their meagre steadings. When the beast blood rose in her veins around Puberty, she practically welcomed the new strength it gave her, Better to defend her and hers. But the years were long, and often unkind. And in time, her dear mother passed away, leaving Abagail alone.
Though wereboard are often Solitary creatures, Abagail has been drawn to the big city after poor harvests and overhunting in the forests surrounding her small hut left her with less and less to eat, and a longing for better things. From occasional trips to trade for basic amenities, she had heard of the great rewards that an adventuring life could bring and so packed up her meagre belongings and headed toward society. And word overheard in taverns of great slaughter of Orcs in the forests around the free city set her sights upon Arabel.As typical a Wereboar as ever there was in her adult, Abagail lives practically entirely for herself. While not so cruel and capricious as to be truly evil, she rude, greedy, blunt, arrogant, volatile and unpleasant. She is however quite easily drawn into the machinations of others with the promise of food, gold or entertainment. However, her mother is not forgotten, and she is fiercely protective of those people she decides to be ‘hers’.
I hope to weave Abagail into the stories of others as much as possible, whether it be making enemies through her brutish demeanour, crudeness and Irreverence, or through forging stronger bonds with those who can take her blows both physical and verbal and deliver them back just as handily.
In Particular she could potentially prove a very useful tool against the Malarite werewolf proving to be a threat on the forests around Eveningstar, but likewise the werewolf could earn her loyalty through playing to her greed and mercenary heart so long as her orcan blood does not make her an automatic enemy to him. She could also find a comfortable place among the newly minted treasure hunter’s society, the promise of riches making her more pliable to work alongside others, albeit not making her any less casually crass to her associates.She has the can be a wonderful, if often unwelcome, ally to anyone who can win her fickle favour, and create as many problems as she does solutions by charging through any problem she encounters. She’ll also develop her own personal goals within the city of arabel to drag her newfound ‘friends’ along with, which I hope to develop further as I get a grasp of the setting back.
4). Stevelichman, Skulduggery -
I'd like her to come back as a player and play for a bit. Goals are meh, mostly because she is unfamiliar with the setting. Also, we approved an Earth Genasi, did the set up and she vanished almost immediately after.
@Prof-Misclick said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
I'd like her to come back as a player and play for a bit. Goals are meh, mostly because she is unfamiliar with the setting. Also, we approved an Earth Genasi, did the set up and she vanished almost immediately after.
Also, I would like us to finish the law updates with lycans before we approve anymore so they get a fair idea what they are running against IG.
No other votes or comments?
@Puffy said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
Also, I would like us to finish the law updates with lycans before we approve anymore so they get a fair idea what they are running against IG.
This is my feeling.
I'd like players to also start reacting to the man-eating lycan we currently have before we throw a good-guy into the works.
Skulduggery is 10/10 in my book and would make just about any concept fun and workable, but if players aren't reacting to Lycanthrope threat properly, its just robbing skulduggery of their glory/fun.
So I vote no until we update our laws, and add hopefully then the players will react better towards lycans.
Agree with pretty much everything that was said.
There are no goals, just vague roleplay ideas and background information.
@Prof-Misclick said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
I'd like her to come back as a player and play for a bit.
As a side note, I don't get this, if someone puts in a good app, I feel like we should approve it regardless of if they haven't played for a while. Seems like an odd limitation (and one with no real way to keep consistent)
(This is a shit app though. Like, really shit)
@Zool said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
@Prof-Misclick said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
I'd like her to come back as a player and play for a bit.
As a side note, I don't get this, if someone puts in a good app, I feel like we should approve it regardless of if they haven't played for a while. Seems like an odd limitation (and one with no real way to keep consistent)
(This is a shit app though. Like, really shit)
Come back and play for a bit so you can have decent app. If a player has a reputation of apping and then vanishing then it is not unreasonable to expect they stick around for a bit before we offer up a perk.
Mortui was gone for awhile and then with a decent app was approved. Because I know if he apps he will play.
@Puffy said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
Also, I would like us to finish the law updates with lycans before we approve anymore so they get a fair idea what they are running against IG.
@Prof-Misclick said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
No other votes or comments?
Sorry was busy at work when all this was posted. Just now getting to read it. Commenting and voting now.
@Lord_Acererak said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
I'd like players to also start reacting to the man-eating lycan we currently have before we throw a good-guy into the works.
@Prof-Misclick said in Zap/Abagail Sloan/Wereboar subrace:
If a player has a reputation of apping and then vanishing then it is not unreasonable to expect they stick around for a bit before we offer up a perk.
[Cough] CB... [Cough]
[11:55 AM] Ashe: Hey Prof, just checking if there's any word since it hit 3 days.
No rush of course, just that's the general recommended timescale to give it a poke IIRC
[12:27 PM] Professor Misclick: Let me check for you.
[12:27 PM] Ashe: Thanks
[12:34 PM] Professor Misclick: App was rejected. Basic feedback is this:
[12:35 PM] Professor Misclick: 1) We don't want any more lycans until we sort out the laws and IC reactions because there is really no downside right now playing the race.
[12:35 PM] Professor Misclick: 2) Goals are too generic and lacking specifics but that's understandable since the setting has changed a lot
[12:36 PM] Professor Misclick: 3) Come back and re familiarize yourself with what's going on, let us sort the rest of the stuff out and then re apply since we know you'll do a good job
[12:36 PM] Ashe: I can see that logic for 1), especially since Mortui seems to be more a nuisance to most people then a terrible monster to be hunted down.
[12:36 PM] Ashe: Yeah, that's all fair.
[12:36 PM] Ashe: Figured I'd shoot my shot, just in case
[12:37 PM] Ashe: I got some other plans anyway, thanks Prof
[12:37 PM] Professor Misclick: Perfect. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
[12:37 PM] Professor Misclick: Welcome back
[12:37 PM] Ashe: Lets see if I can actually sustain a character this time
[12:38 PM] Professor Misclick: Yeah. -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on