1 human, druid or sorcerer, normal start level, roxy
2 werecat 3 as per my usual play style a watcher character (if evil a manipulative Machiavellian type) will let the server develop my character as i always tend to do, the characters always seem to get better stories than i could dream up
4 my playtime are generally when i am free now, and since i shift work now, it can be rather varied ( on a rotating shit that works on a 8 day schedule)
shift i mean..though that is apt description of the job
I don't think she has considered what it means to play a lycan PC to be honest, its pretty pvp heavy and she hates that.
I refuse to approve a werecat with the same name as multiple porn actresses.
This isn't an application.
We require applications for Lycans.
So no.
They shuoyld probly just choose one of the many subraces we allow for basically nothing.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on