Assault upon Tilverton
If I have understood us all correctly, we agree to the following:
- We shall approach Tilverton and thereby Obyn with diplomacy, not steel
- Paul should be excluded from any dealings
Details will be ironed out as Exchequer Osco writes down his plan, but let us agree this is the way we want to move forward.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Now that the true Lord Lady Islyn is in control of House Misrim, we can proceed with a diplomatic approach to Tilverton.
Osco -
As I have just been proven wrong on just about every account except Paul, too quick to judge and too quick to jump to action I'll let everyone else handle this as I am clearly incapable of delivering sound judgement.
Boring conversation anyway.
-Therene -
With recent events in mind, a council meeting will be called focusing on how we wish to approach the issue with Obyn. Same time as the previously planned assault, lets put our great minds together and see how we may protect the people as best we can. Once we have resolved the matter with Obyn, we march upon the White Witch's tower, under one banner united.
Luckbringer Ottilie
- Obyn shall be approached under a banner of Truce and a banner of House Misrim
- Lord Islyn's restoration has been publicly announced, Arabel's stance strengthened
- Exchequer Osco will lead negotiations, with the remaining council as his protector and support
- The rough plan is as follows:
- A truce between Arabel and Tilverton
- Tilverton will join Arabel as an ally in the battle against the White Witch and her horde
- A trial will be hosted after the war is over, with Obyn's aid in the war in his favor (Same as Matrim Kingsley)
- Obyn's son to be put under Lord Islyn's care
We do this for the people of Tilverton, and none else. To protect the innocent, and spare our soldiers for the battle against the White Witch.
Luckbringer Ottilie
(( When is a good time for everyone to do this? ))
//Monday sometime maybe? I'm totally down for that or sooner!!//
(( @Harlequin @Prof-Misclick when is the best time for you two? I was thinking 13:00EST / 18:00UTC Feb 20th / 07:00NZDT Feb 21st ))
//I can make that time, as far as I know
//Time is ok for me right now. I’ll know for sure the day before.
// I will do my best to be awake and online for that time. Alarm set.
I’d really like for Rismente to be there for what I have in mind. Same with Kirin.@Burgesse
Kirin will be there!
(( Time confirmed for now! ))
If Obyn is next in line for house Mirsim and he hires assassins to make a “unfortunate and tragic accident” happen to lord Mirsim I say negotiations are most certainly in his favour. We offer the sellswords amnesty to leave instead of destruction and we get Obyn without having to negotiate with him ourselves.
Dawnknight Thornwind suspects that the White Witch may appear during our negotiations with Obyn, something very likely. Would our position be stronger if Obyn was invited to Arabel, rather than us arriving to Tilverton? I rather not put Arabel under unnecessary risk, and I highly doubt Obyn would abandon his heir and wife when Tilverton is surrounded by the Horde. Still, its something to consider, so putting it out here for discussion.
If we decide to go ahead and venture to Tilverton under a banner of truce and House Misrim, as agreed. We should ensure Arabel is on high alert, along with our mercenaries and the ghosts. This may very well, end in battle.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Right, Obyn refused. Now my turn, if you insist on negotiating, offer a non aggression pact with a demilitarized border between tilverton and Arabel. Only token forces allowed whilst we both focus on weakening the witch. After witch is dead we reconvene another bunch of negotiations to see if we can come to some sort of agreement. If not war it is.
-Therene -
I have to agree with the Fang on this.
Obyn is being quite unreasonable with his 'attempt' at diplomacy. Tilverton has many mercenaries, but it does not match the Crimson army. We offered a reasonable olive branch and were insulted for it. He will keep his citizens safe and we must think of our own.
We have no insurances that Obyn would even attempt to aid us in this endeavor as it is. He's ignoring that Paul was his own man now that he's attacked Eveningstar. If he cannot even admit to employing a madman, how can we trust him in the field?
-Sir Nicholas
Our attempt at diplomacy did not go very far, despite our best attempts. Obyn was uncompromising and certain of himself, we attempted various approaches but none bore fruit. In the end we had no choice, but to take his demands and share them with the council.
- Heavily guarded by Zhent mercenaries, lead by a massive woman wielding a double mace, her rank is "Commander" of the Obsidian Skulls
- The people are well fed, and seem to be going on with their daily life
- There were no signs of beasts in the streets, in fact all mercenaries appeared to be human
- Two sections of the Western walls were heavily damaged, but also heavily guarded
Obyn's demands:
- His title restored within House Misrim (This is a decision for Lord Islyn)
- Tilverton to remain under his claim
- No trial
- No one touches his son
Those present in the council agreed that for the sake of Arabel, and the people of Tilverton, who appear to be well fed and well protected, the terms are "acceptable". The First Peer has gone to digest the news, as well as Lord Islyn. A final decision is pending.
- Obyn does not recognize the Council, First Peer, nor Arabel as its own nation
- Obyn rather watch the city burn, than bend the knee
- Obyn is planning to battle the White Witch, after she defeats Arabel or we agree to his demands
- Obyn is willing to reach a neutrality agreement with the White Witch, if he must
- Obyn mentioned that the White Witch can approach Arabel undetected now
- Obyn mentioned he knows the White Witch's plans
- Obyn mentioned that the White Witch controlled him for a time (Its unknown for how long)
- Obyn caused Laam Wilaml to glow when he was near
I am certain I missed some important details, feel free to fill in anything missed.
Luckbringer Ottilie
@Fizzgig said in Assault upon Tilverton:
Obyn caused Laam Wilaml to glow when he was near
I still think glowing swords is a terrible way to choose a government. This goes for the Dragon Bastard, Lady Vaylan, Obyn, or anyone else.
Osco -
A title is something he must resolve with a House of Coins alone. The rest, we do not see why it could not be agreed to. His aid against the witch for his claim of Tilverton.
- Redwoods