Rabblerouser(Ruler)/Taitus Thornwind/Fighter NG/Gold Dragontouched/Order of the Aster and item
Taitus Kilkax/Fighter/Gold Dragontouched/NG/Rabblerouser(Ruler)
Apping for: Rank 1 Order of Aster, Dragontouched(Human/gold), Starter magic item that gives bonus feat: Ambidexterity
Background: Hailing from eveningstar in the shadow of his fathers glory, Taitus takes to arms to deal with the threats
that face the region. Eager to prove his father less than him and to protect his home, he joins under the guidence of the Order.
A now selected Squire in service to Dawnknight Nicholas.Goals:
Earn the WeaponMaster PrC as the Double sword for the weapon of choice.
A) Learn under Myrkyr
B) RP while fighting and only use the weapon of choice for combat. No shields, no bows.. Just that weapon and the art of it.
C) Challenge others for practice. Host tournaments of honorable combat. -
Become a knight!
A) Involve others on grand ventures in the name of Lathander
B) Bring wanted villains to justice, despite his bloodthirsty blade.
C) Participate in a grand battle, where the work of his blades is seen
D) Hire local pc bard(s) to praise/sing well of his name. -
Join the council and influence it to aid in the spread of his faith.
Destroy the White Hoard threat.
A)Routinely check the borders and destroy roaming parties
B)Offer bounties for creatures of their ranks
C) Find the perfect weapon with incomparable balance to seperate head from body.
flaws: Large ego, Stubborn, tendencies to hoard, Nearly untamed when shedding the blood of evil beings.
Strengths: Loyal to the order, a talent for seeing deceit, Will do what he feels he must. -
Wants to following in the footsteps of Myrkyr and use a double bladed sword (might try for Weaponmaster). Gauntlets with Ambidextrous would be the item I told him.
Sure, sounds great fun
Moving to a quick confirmation to let @SpiffyMeister comment
hey guys i wanna be a gold dragon touched but not mention it at all in my app
kthx also approve me for full plate and plot faction benefits.
(I am voting yes, I am just rolling my eyes)
@SpiffyMeister said in Rabblerouser(Ruler)/Taitus Kilkax/Fighter NG/Gold Dragontouched/Order of the Aster and item:
hey guys i wanna be a gold dragon touched but not mention it at all in my app
kthx also approve me for full plate and plot faction benefits.
(I am voting yes, I am just rolling my eyes)
What exactly is the problem? Ruler will do a great job at this. Who cares if he forgot to mention dragon touched? When did we decide to make a stink about the ECL 1 races?
I just like to think a subrace/race should inform and influence the behavior of your character.
Dragontouched doesnt require an app anyway
Great. Put up a vote and if the rest of the team agrees to enforcing rp standards on subraces I am good with it.
I may be mistaken but I thought we wanted people to just play and have fun. The ECL would deal with people who were picking a subrace for casual reasons.
No, it doesn't require an app. No, tiefling/aasimar doesn't require an app, I am just disappointed people are clearly using these races for stat gains and conveniently ignoring the roleplay potential/implications/downsides to them. Just frustrates me.
Same. Are you fine with dropping the hammer though? You were one of the more vocal proponents of the no app subrace.
Approved, race discuss is in another thread
[9:13 AM] Ruler: Alright! I'll have an idea to run by ya for when he meets nich lol
[9:14 AM] Professor Misclick: Perfect. I will want Nich there for sure
[9:14 AM] Ruler: I was thinking, his ego is so large he wouldn't serve under someone weaker than him in martial prowess
[9:14 AM] Ruler: So he would challenge Nich to a duel.
[9:15 AM] Ruler: If that's not a very order kinda thing to do, I understand xD Just thought it may be neat -
Sounds fun
@Prof-Misclick said in Rabblerouser(Ruler)/Taitus Kilkax/Fighter NG/Gold Dragontouched/Order of the Aster and item:
[9:13 AM] Ruler: Alright! I'll have an idea to run by ya for when he meets nich lol
[9:14 AM] Professor Misclick: Perfect. I will want Nich there for sure
[9:14 AM] Ruler: I was thinking, his ego is so large he wouldn't serve under someone weaker than him in martial prowess
[9:14 AM] Ruler: So he would challenge Nich to a duel.
[9:15 AM] Ruler: If that's not a very order kinda thing to do, I understand xD Just thought it may be neatHe'll be level 4 right? So... Gruff will stand a chance, at least :)
@Zool said in Rabblerouser(Ruler)/Taitus Kilkax/Fighter NG/Gold Dragontouched/Order of the Aster and item:
So... Gruff will stand a chance, at least
I really dont know..
- Basic Gauntlets w/Ambidextrous feat.
- Squire gear
- No wages, storage or free rest as a squire
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on