Swifty/Nihlos Carver
This dude has been rocking.
They've been using in game tools to create scenes utilising the blood ritual dagger, animated dead, and whatever other means they can find- they've had various players on the server thinking what they were doing was a DM plot.
They created "mini dungeons" with loot at the end using all this stuff.
This has also started to get blamed on another dodgy necromancer which is fairly funny.
They are creating WAY more interesting stuff on the server than the average player (probably than the average player that's creating "Cool stuff" happening too.
I want to give them a piece of loot as a reward for doing cool stuff.
Here's some screenies - I'll put up a poll with options.
They currently use a morningstar
The bronze craftable one.
This staff isn't really a huge upgrade on that as a weapon, a tad more negative damage, plus some AB vs good.
The unique power generates a neromanic reagent once a day - It can only select from two.
Baleful moan (the creature gets the fear howl ability, which regens every five minutes)
Deadly Chill (The creature gains D6 cold damage on claws - monsters with weapons will have the weapon deleted and the creature weapon feat added) -
Stats seem fine to me, but aren't magical staves supposed to be very very rare? (I honestly don't know.)
I'd suggest making an adventure for him to complete, rather than just giving it to him. Which I can volunteer for if that's what we want.
@Voss_ I would LOVE for him to have an adventure to gain it
34.75 points according to the loot chart
Not counting the spells.I'm not saying no, I'm just putting a number to it so people are aware and can compare it to other loot.
Dump the love on these guys imo
Maybe make it useable only by cleric of _____ /evil etc
I could put an OOC note on it, tbh, I might just make it none drop
Class/race alignment/domain restrictions - and make it contraband - that takes 9 and 8 points off it. It's now only 17.75!
Beating the system :P
@Zool said in Swifty/Nihlos Carver:
@Voss_ I would LOVE for him to have an adventure to gain it
This plus the OUB stuff. He is rocking it out and impressing me all the time. Plus it will soften the blow some when the hammer comes down on the summons.
I'll make a lil' dungeon for him & friends to beat them.
Great guy and making the world very fun without much DM support, I would also say if he dont already give him an RP token just for kudos.
@Voss_ need help in making the dungeon?
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