[Set]Ruler 55/ Dario Darkmore / Were-rat
A+, I hope he gets someone.
Relevant quote:
@ReticulantSpline said in Letter to the Great Druid Nan:
Lastly, I have a very troubling encounter to report. On my way to Eveningstar, on the roads of East Way, I ran into a ravenous wererat. It did not attack and I was not confident in my ability to fight it without preparation, so I attempted to talk to it. It spoke of Holy Strategist Keline Hallenthen, threatening to do harm to any she holds dear. Keline is a friend of mine, but I kept that fact to myself. The wererat then cast a spell that darkened the area and made its escape while my companions and I were scrambling to prepare for a fight.
Doing a good job there- creating fear, passing on conflict plot info, not just roflstomping everything in their path- Good shit.
I feel like this is pretty much metagaming but, whatcha gonna do really?
They haven't outright said it's him but... well yeah.This is why we need a system to change peoples name temporarily when they shift form. I can almost gaurantee they wouldn't have had this brilliant almost psychic suspicion if that system were in place (unless they used the player list or clicked their portrait of course, but that's up to the player in question)
Just tell the player it seems like metagaming and ask them to remove the reference. Better to be kind and educating as soon as possible
I editted the post, this is what I removed
But there is another detail that I left out. It's a detail so minor that it completely slipped my mind until just now.
Just after you and I parted ways and I met up with Sara and Kirin, we lingered at the Faceless for a few minutes to discuss where we would go to look for work. I was thinking back on that just now; after all, a meeting with a wererat who had a grudge against you on the road to the town where we publicly agreed to travel, all after your name was mentioned in the sending? Far too coincidental.
Do you know a man who dresses all in red and wears an antlered helmet? I spotted him very briefly, sneaking out the front door of the Faceless after Sara, Kirin and I agreed on where to go. At the time, I thought nothing of it. I've seen the man around before and he seems like a disturbed individual, but not someone I pegged as dangerous. But in retrospect, I should have known something was wrong.
The man in red may be the wererat we encountered, or at the very least may be an associate. Be careful.
Going to contact the player who made the post.
Great, I don't think they mean any harm.
Sent them this as a PM on the forums.
Hi there! - I editted one of your IC letters- I removed the references to the "man in red with antlered helm" it just seemed a little -too- easy, that the info came to you. I totally get it though! we don't have a system in place to modify peoples names when they shift form (it's being worked on though!!!) and it is SUPER SUPER hard to know what's "ok" with regards to knowing who they really are- It's a judgement call from the DM side of things in this case, and there is ZERO blame or worry or trouble or anything at all directed toward you. I hope you understand why I have editted your IC letter to remove references to the man in red with antlered helm- and I hope you're having fun playing 🙂 - Zool [DM]
It’s completely possible to change names/descriptions btw.
@SpiffyMeister said in [Set]Ruler 55/ Dario Darkmore / Were-rat:
It’s completely possible to change names/descriptions btw.
I know, Strife and I are working on something ( and by that, I mean, Strife is making something and I am claiming some credit...)
Nihlos Carver is now infected by the Rot of Moander, and requires PC aid to remove it. It will grow progressively worse over time.
Oh dear...
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