[No]Gloomy Sunday/wererat
Gloomy_Sunday/Felryn/ CE/ were rat
Gnome/Barbarian/Felryn Gnawing Death
An experiment by a deranged Gnomish wizard, devoted to Urdlen, Felryn was bred for the purpose of slaughtering and eating kobolds and goblins who plagued the area, vermin, who the wizard saw as a waste of his time. A group of Sembian mercenaries in the employ of Arabel mistook the wizard for an ally of the White Horde, slew him, and looted his tower of spoils. Felryn fled the tower and took up the cause of Obyn, Lord of Tilverton* vowing to get revenge upon those who took his creator.
a. Gather allies among the outcasts of the city and form the ‘Under Council’ stating that it speaks for those who dwell in the alleys and sewers, those whom the council of peers do not represent. Edicts will be made that will run contrary to that of the council of peers and foster conflict between the groups.
b. Artefacts of historical value such as the Goldfeather armour will be sought out in order to sacrifice them to Urdlen. If they cannot be made twisted and ugly reflections of themselves, they will simply be destroyed.
c. Felryn wishes above all to get revenge upon the ruling class of Arabel, and will do so in the following ways.
i. Publicly defaming the councillors of the city, and seeking any likeminded individuals with greater means to fight Arabel, mostly to take advantage of their resources. This could range from Cormyrean sympathisers, who he would attract by spreading propaganda in Immersea, through to disaffected peasants who see the revolution as a means for Misrim to line their pockets.
ii. Information on the council, and the layout of the Misrim estate and the Palace will be sought and paid for through the hiring of PC spies.
iii. Ultimately, using the Under Council, and whatever allies he can find, Felryn will mount attacks on Lady Misrim, the Crimson Princess, Steward Ovesson, and all of the high ranking councillors whom he holds personally responsible. -
As a Wererat I will be playing Felryn as a greedy, cunning and unhinged. He will have no conception of most social norms and will readily eat carrion from battles whether he was involved in them or not.
*While the concept states that he has took up the cause of Lord Obyn, I am not apping for any communication or gear from him, though will gladly take anything offered when I have earned it!
No, after the ooc issues with Silas I do not have the confidence Gloomy can handle responsibility of a lycan. Secondly, whilst the Under Council idea is cool. I do not believe it suits the idea of a barbarian, gnome, wererat to run a council nor does the background and the goals really make sense.
It feels forced.
it feels pretty natural to me?
Why can't a barbarian be cunning and intrigue based?
IMO, this is a build to maximize power not a concept that will promote fun.
Gnome gives +2 con which will stack with hybrid con. -2 strength cancelled out. Rages with finesse creature weapons. Best hp class.
I also agree with what Puffy said. The goals seem haphazard and out of sync for a crazy gnome were-rat.
The concept's goals do not match with the background.
If it's chaotic and unhinged, how will he create and lead a council?
Why does he want revenge on the Arabel ruling class? What part of that has to do with his background.I'm just not feeling it.
There's nothing wrong with maximizing mechanical power. I think we should keep this in mind for villainous and antagonistic concepts- they need to be strong.
Secondly- the Plebian Court was fairly chaotic. The Chaos Brigade literally had it in its name.
Both functioned fairly well as organizations.- He blames Arabel that his master is dead since they invited the Sembians.
- He works for Obyn since he is an antagonist for Arabel, allying with a regional power as his backer and fallback.
- He is trying to involve people in his under council to spread fear, mayhem, and terror. It's the name of his PC faction, not an organized monolithic crime organization. I will be surprised if he recruits more than 2 other players.
I think the goals are fine but the background/motivations are kinda weak. Would like to see those fleshed out, but otherwise I figure this'd be fun.
I kinda agree, goals are fine, but the background/motivations. As well as build and i think we’re all onboard?
With a 50/50 vote this, app is rejected.
@Puffy has salem voted?
Salem is on vacation.
So puffy gets to for salem or something? Did the voting rules change or something?
Middy nor strife has voted, so imagine the procedure is to wait for their votes
NO, I just said that Salem was on vacation, so she likely isnt going to vote.
Storytellers rarely vote for whatever reason so we stopped waiting for that. @Strife-and-Discord I think I know your decision but would you please make it official?
I'd want Puffy to explain more (than the short explanation in Discord) about what her problems with Gloomy's handling of Silas were.
But based on it and what I see of the app, going to have to say no for now. We should be holding lycans to a higher standard, especially considering one got deleted for breaking OOC rules on PVP.
The goals are interesting, bu the background doesn't fit much. Perhaps as Voss said, its kind of weak.
Do we require players to give a trigger for shifting? It is missing here.
If yes, perhaps add it to the Lycan info?Lycans are being held at a higher standard, and this app is a bit all over the place for now.
@Prof-Misclick said in [No]Gloomy Sunday/wererat:
Storytellers rarely vote for whatever reason so we stopped waiting for that. @Strife-and-Discord I think I know your decision but would you please make it official?
Ugh fine.
Voted. Can we please get this over with?
Thanks for the votes.
Please do not close a vote if the vote is tied in the future. :angry_face:
Gloomy was updated about the application:
Strife and DiscordToday at 5:51 PM
No one updated you at all about your application?
Gloomy_SundayToday at 5:52 PM
ive asked about it a few times, puffy said its under discussion, and echo said that they were waiting for more votes, that was 2 days ago though
I was told that it was pretty close
Strife and DiscordToday at 5:53 PM
Ok so we have waited until all that have voting privileges did and at the end it was denied by majority vote.
I will explain why
Gloomy_SundayToday at 5:54 PM
thanks even
Strife and DiscordToday at 5:57 PM
Given the mechanical power we have behind this subrace, we have placed it on a very high standard. So we expected much more from the run of the mill applications we usually get.
Unfortunately this app wasnt it. The story and goals seemed to us abit coerced to try and fit the mold and justify the subrace. And we viewed them also as lacking.
While I cannot comment beyond that, I will say that we hold this subrace in higher standard that we even penalized players who had it and abused the CoA rules. Just to show how important this is to us.
Gloomy_SundayToday at 6:00 PM
fair enough, i'll not rewrite it again, and will try and figure something else out
Strife and DiscordToday at 6:01 PM
Thank you for submitting it in, nonetheless. I would love to see you going back to the villain seat and challenging our players.
Gloomy_SundayToday at 6:02 PM
It is a fair criticism, I was hoping to make a villain character going against the city as I am not aware of any at the moment
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on