[set]flockofowls(hominid)/Elbereth Avara/Rank 2 Crimson Guard
FlockOfOwls(Hominid) /Elbereth Avara/Crimson Guard (EiG)
1). Elf/Paladin (Sehanine)/LG/5-6ish/Elbereth Avara
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc) Crimson Guard Fang. I want to EiG, but am submitting this app for when I have earned it.
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
This is a “get to know the server” character. In trying to DM, I realized I am too disconnected from the server, and am using this character as an opportunity to refamiliarize myself. Truth be told, I’ve sort of forgotten how to drive a plot from the PC side, especially in the new atmosphere of the server.
My general plan is to find some cause to be a champion of. This could be a DM plot line that I pick up and run with, or else I will try to invent something fun. For example, I’ve been on two DM plots involving vampires (Strawman/Salem events), so my plan is to begin leading patrols of these areas to learn more of them, keep them in check, and perhaps try to do some sort of ritual or “build a weapon” plot to combat them. In the mean time I’ll work on recruiting allies to Crimson Guard, networking, questing, and generally trying to be involved in server happenings. I’m trying to get a better sense for what other players find fun these days.
Sorry, I know this is a shit app. I’m happy to stay a “Brown Cloak” until I get it figured out. Tips and pointers welcomed.
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
I am Hominid. -
Already seen him doing fun stuff IG a few days ago when he was made brown cloak by Valkyrie who hired him on a whim. Rank 2 is minimal effort anyway.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on