[Set]farglenargle / Dario Windmere / Scale rank
farglenargle / Dario Windmere / Scale rank
Human/Fighter/NG/8/Dario Windmere
Scale rank
Dario has been busy as both a Fang and a Fellow of the Heart: he landed the killing blow on Widowmaker’s mate and helped finish off Widowmaker himself; he has participated many times in expeditions against the Hullack orcs and other threats, especially Orcmageddon and those from the “Week of Crimson” a while back; he helped lead a hunt against the sabertooth Malcor, both to save the dwarves of Irondrake and to accentuate Lady Jastyne’s gala outfit; and he helped rescue the innkeeper of Immersea from pirates, sahaugin, sea serpents, and a shipwreck golem.
As for what he wants to do: continue to act in concert with his fellow Guards in defeating the nearby orcs, gnolls, and giants; establish personal relationships with key people in Immersea, and act in their defense, so as to secure the reputation of the Crimson Guard and the Revolution more broadly and weaken Royalist sentiments; track down the Raloris family, starting with the menace Perwreak; and on a slightly more personal note, track down the relics left in the wake of Tymora’s pilgrimage, both out of his own devotion and to give the Crimson Guard and the Fellowship good PR.
- N/A
I think Dario has earned himself the Scale rank, he isn't as loud as verk but he still has done a lot to put the Crimson Guards on the map and influence the world. It should be encouraged. I would however have an NPC make it clear that he needs to display where his loyalty lies, considering his player faction membership.
Needs to be given tests of loyalty, I agree.
Yes, he has been actively pushing the Crimsons, and with Verk potentially about to leave the faction (depending on his choice of Talos vs Justyne), then Dario could fill that Scale rank left open.
I think he should just get it. He is less divided in loyalty than Ulric ever has been. Scale is an easy EiG promotion. Seems to me he’s done more than enough. Hreth likes him too and
- Ulric leaves he takes over and perhaps bring Mynae back into the fold of the crimson along with the fellowship
- Ulric stays Malak uses him as a way to limit the Talos influence
So there are two NPCs who would want this. His loyalty test comes with the next rank. Let him show that he puts Jastyne above -everything- else then.
4 yes votes. Moving to confirmation
@Echo @SpiffyMeister @Skulduggery @Haquin -
Calling this approved.
Set and done room 4
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on