Arabel Outskirt High Road

Latest posts made by The Z master
exploit possible while fishing
Area name: Arabel outskirt, High road
Issue Location:
Quest Name: fishing spot
Server Version: Arabel version 8599
Screen Shot:
Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/ 3:48 pmIssue Description:can still catch fish even after been warn by the system that the fish population as depleted, and i could go on and on keeping fishing at each catch the same messages
RE: Shamrok garden
@Echo alright just wanted to let you know, as it could be use as a exploit... thank Echo
Shamrok garden
not sure it should be reported as a bug
but after initiating the dialog with the sorceress, i failed my charisma roll and missclick on her again, which reinitiated the dialog and she remained neutral to me instead of becomming hostile which she should have.... perhaps re initiating the dialog broke the switch from neutral to hostile... and once out and talk to the quest giver, it act as i had killed her, even though she was pretty much alive when i left the city square she was in ....
RE: Those damn node Guardians stealing my resources!
@The-Z-master sorry i cant say Echo!, wasnt paying attention when it happened
RE: Those damn node Guardians stealing my resources!
me Mazrim, i got one mineral of each guardian we killed, ruby, emerald diamond, ect
Orcs and bounty
It seem since the last update, orcs in Hullack do not drop anymore head for bounty, not sure if it is a bug or intended, hopefully not the later?
RE: Knightwood quest boss not spawning
I can coraborate what The minionOfArabel wrote, the druid/boss doesnt spawn in any of the 5-6 house, and for what i know, the druid always spawned in the house in the middle of the map, the one with three cat at ground floor, and the druid with his wolf on the second floor, i never saw him anywhere else...
so yeah at this time of post i am still inside the quest withou druid/boss
ring mold inneffective
area : interior workshop, palace plazza
arabel version : 8291
Issue description : the mechanic doesnt seem to recognise ring mold while trying to craft rings with the proper materials, i ll send Echo two screen shot if it can help.