Potion + Wand Boxes Spawning ONly Gold
As Title, quests with 'potion box' and 'wand crate' are only spawning gold afaik.
Need more to work with. Please provide a list of said quests after trying them more than once.
Yeah it wont be all of them, it's just people haven't set them up right.
Potion box and wand crate look inside whatever loot chest they are set to check (there's various things like medium high low unique, and then things based on other stuff)
In the are it's in first, it'll only look for potions/wands though. then it'll try the module wide container of the right type.
If it finds nothing, it'll spawn gold.
So, someone has put no potions (or wands) in the chest they've set it to look into.
@Zool said in Potion + Wand Boxes Spawning ONly Gold:
So, someone has put no potions (or wands) in the chest they've set it to look into.
this has been the case for most that i've found
someone set them to "loot_potion_high" when there are no potions in the "high" loot cheste
someone set them to "loot_wand_med" when there is no "medium" chest in the area at all
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