House of Ash deity detector not working
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Area name: House of Ash
Issue Location: House of Ash
Quest Name: N/A
Store Name: N/A
NPC Name: Brycen Loroun
NPC Location: House of Ash
Server Version: 8592
Screen Shot:Issue Description: Having interacted with Brycen for the first time as a non Jergalite, the dialogue options to say "One year closer" and the option to ask him to raise dead appear. Neither of these came up with my Jergal cleric.
Having spoken to Puffy on discord, these should only be offered to Jergalites so it seems the script is backwards somehow.
Also on a side note I don't think HoA should be offering raises at all but I will mention that in a suggestion.
maybe fixed 8594
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
@Echo Tested with Jergalite and non Jergalite PC, now working as intended.
thanks for testing! glad it's fixed