Hi, just to clarify OOCly on the new declaration:
- The PC is still possible to play, but it is no longer a blue blood due to IC actions and other PC efforts IG
- Corianne has been disowned from House Van Dorn, and is no longer a blue blood. And may no longer associate with it.
- Corianne is thereby a commoner, and no longer need to worry about the House.
- There are several potential pathways for Corianne to take now, and its up to you which one you prefer
- Embrace the association with Kural, and go full on behind that. Very risky obviously, but maybe that will give Corianne that massive amount of attention she wants
- Maybe dwell deeper into the shadier business side of Arabel
- Join Olouths new adventuring guild, and look for a renewal together with the more goodly aligned Ahren and Erica
- Seek redemption through the church of Siamorphe
- Something else entierly
@Puffy looks good
@Prof-Misclick said in Burton/Corianne/Disowned:
@Echo said in Burton/Corianne/Disowned:
@Puffy looks good
Likely happening today
Successful "tip off"
@Puffy said in Apotosis/Beckett/NPC Sponsor:
Successfully dropped off a half truthed tip off to the palace with some bribe money, which was spotted and collected by "The Clerk". Wasn't spotted by any of the guards or other NPCs (besides a cat), combined with the various posters scattered IG prior, its an excellent set up. Its only more suspicious since the both Corianne and Kural made damning posters against each other, but no action against one another.
Esteemed Lord van Dorn,
(By way of the Arbiters of Arabel)It is with a heavy heart and great reluctance that I find myself compelled to write to you, though I do so only in the interest of preserving the peace and dignity of our beloved city. As a humble representative of several concerned citizens from the old districts, I feel duty-bound to bring to your Lordship’s attention a troubling series of rumors and events that have begun to circulate—rumors that, were they to persist, could cast an unfortunate shadow over your esteemed household.
For some time now, our district has been plagued by the rising menace of a group calling themselves the Black Triad. They move in the shadows, spreading fear, violence, and cruelty in the name of dark gods best left unspoken. Their leader, a notorious slaver known as Kural, is said to deal in terror with all the finesse of a serpent—whispers of beatings, lashings, and unholy rites have reached our ears, and his influence grows unchecked.
It pains me even to mention this, but we have reason to believe that, by some misfortune or misunderstanding, your own daughter, Ms. Corianne van Dorn, has found herself linked—however indirectly—to these sordid affairs. Numerous townsfolk have seen her in the more unsavory parts of the alleyways and rooftops, often in close proximity to Kural’s usual haunts. While we dare not presume to know her purpose there, we fear that her presence may be misinterpreted by those eager to spread ill rumors.
One such rumor—that we earnestly hope is nothing more than malicious gossip—suggests that Kural’s infamous whip, used in his brutal punishments, bears the mark of van Dorn craftsmanship. It is whispered in the streets that this very whip was crafted by Ms. van Dorn herself. Even more troubling are the murmurs that such whips have appeared for sale in Kural’s own market stall, adorned with your family’s crest. Could it be possible that these vile tools of torment have been forged under the van Dorn name?
Moreover, a chilling rumor has recently surfaced: that Ms. van Dorn bears a slaver’s mark from a Gnoll tribe, bestowed upon her by none other than Kural himself. While we refuse to believe that such a distinguished young woman could ever willingly consort with a slaver, the mere existence of this tale is enough to stir unrest in the hearts of the people. The very idea that a noble daughter could be tied to the Black Triad has caused great unease, and we can only imagine the damage this could cause to your family’s esteemed reputation if such rumors were to reach the ears of your peers.
We trust that these stories are nothing more than the product of spiteful tongues, and yet, the fear in Arabel is real. The beatings, the torture, the tyranny—it festers and grows, and with it, so do the whispers. We trust that a man of your wisdom and stature will find a way to quell these troubling whispers before they spread further. With the right guidance and assurances, this matter could be laid to rest quietly, calming the anxieties of the community. Should your house wish to restore peace and preserve its dignity, we stand ready to assist in any manner to ensure that the good name of van Dorn remains unblemished.
With the deepest respect and most sincere hope for swift justice,
Thalric Greyborne
Faceless Inn -
Rumor Mill
— Today at 20:36
:loudspeaker: SHOUT ECHOES IN-GAME :loudspeaker:
[DM] Puffy: The noble courts and parlours are buzzing surrounding a most scandalous and sinful discovery
:loudspeaker: SHOUT ECHOES IN-GAME :loudspeaker:
[DM] Puffy: Whispers speaks of forbidden pleasures, wicked deeds, and the most heinous of acts
:loudspeaker: SHOUT ECHOES IN-GAME :loudspeaker:
[DM] Puffy: The suffering of innocent, the tarnished name of the Divine Right's holy dogma, and defiance against the very laws of the kingdom itself! -
Puffy — Today at 22:49
@Burton del Wescotte (Corianne)https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/post/395041
Hi, just to clarify OOCly on the new declaration:
The PC is still possible to play, but it is no longer a blue blood due to IC actions and other PC efforts IG
Corianne has been disowned from House Van Dorn, and is no longer a blue blood. And may no longer associate with it.
Corianne is thereby a commoner, and no longer need to worry about the House.
There are several potential pathways for Corianne to take now, and its up to you which one you prefer
Embrace the association with Kural, and go full on behind that. Very risky obviously, but maybe that will give Corianne that massive amount of attention she wants
Maybe dwell deeper into the shadier business side of Arabel
Join Olouths new adventuring guild, and look for a renewal together with the more goodly aligned Ahren and Erica
Seek redemption through the church of Siamorphe
Something else entirely -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on