Shovels Disappeared
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Server Version: 8572
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Time: Description: I had a Shovel in my inventory and it has disappeared. I also now can't find any shovels for sale from the usual merchants.
was your inventory full and it didnt fit?
@Cojak81 said in Shovels Disappeared:
can't find any shovels for sale
general store
@Echo I still have two clear inventory pages. Which general store was that at? I must have searched around 20 different stalls.
@Cojak81 the chap at the Manticore sells them too.
@Cojak81 said in Shovels Disappeared:
Which general store was that at?
historic district
all "general stores" have the same shops though -
@Cojak81 said in Shovels Disappeared:
I had a Shovel in my inventory and it has disappeared. I also now can't find any shovels for sale from the usual merchants.
Could it have to do with playing on mobile?
@Echo I tried there, weird. Will have another look later.
Right I've just found one in Eveningstar. Don't know what was going on last night, it was late and I was tired. Still odd how mine disappeared though.
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