Got stuck in this placable
Area name: Underwater - The Wyvernwater
Issue Location: see screenshot
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Got stuck in this placable due to combat.
you are the first person to get stuck
and you didnt get stuck on the way back outnot sure it can be replicated but will try
@Echo I think it was combat directly under the placable that did it, with the forced movements of characters moving backwards away from the enemy
so one of those super rare instances that is hard to reproduce and can (maybe) be fixed with some tying rope?
@Echo Sure sounds like it, one of those unlucky punk moments. Apparently at this time I had neither tying rope nor flint and twigs (though assumed it wouldn't work under water anyway)
I still felt it important to at least have it be reported that it happened though?
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
I'm gotten stuck in an arch like that one before, it was the one near the cave transition. A little bump fixed the issue. I would suggest not to crowd over in those area and all will be fine.