Minor Tweak to Elk Hood (tailoring)
Elk hood is presently listed with the following stats:
Compare this with the brown bear hood:
Considering that the Elk hood is Recipe Level 10, and a high-end type of pelt, which will usually gravitate to being made into those nice 80% bags, whereas the brown bear hood is almost as low cost/difficulty as things can go in tailoring. I would suggest tweaking it a little.
Increase the number of charges for Amplify to 21. (see also the boots and cloak in the Elk crafting options, which likewise have 21 charges)
Give it a +2 to Listen/Search/Spot. This would then justify the higher recipe class, more costly oil, and much harder to get pelt in comparison to the brown bear hood (which gives +1 to each of these three skills).
Additionally (but less important), you could also consider adding Remove blindness/deafness as a second spell option, with 3 charges per use.
It would make the panther hood useless to have spot/listen/search on the elk hood though.
The Panther Hood does this:
Maybe give it +AE and survival?
elk hood stats updated v8549
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on