Druid can't read Druidic
Area name: Redwoods Backwoods
Issue Location: Cracked Druidic Runestone (near the entrance to the ruined hunting lodge)
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Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description: Clicking on druid language placibles doesn't allow me to read them, tells me its incomprehensible.
dirty druids cant read
fixed it for you :P
j/kI need someone smarter than me to figure this out
from the script
Latok's language token
from the item in the palette
removed his token, gave him a new one from the palette and it worked
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
@Echo it is a recurring problem with language nodes, sometimes the system appears to break when one person hits a node and then anyone after that cant read them. this has been going on for ages, multiple bug reports too.