Faceless Inn resting
Area name: Arabel: The Faceless Inn
Issue Location:
Quest Name:
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location:
Server Version: 8390
Screen Shot:
Time: As of this postPaid to rest but wasn't tired enough. Waited awhile and tried to rest again but says I haven't paid.
Unable to recreate.
Please provide list of steps to recreate the issue, thanks. -
I think this happens if you click on the zone to rest rather than just use the rest button.Pay to rest->Click on rest zone->"Not tired enough"->Wait until your rest timer is ready->Click on rest zone->"You have not paid to rest here"
@Strife-and-Discord the rest variables might be getting erased on the 'attempt to rest' bit of the script versus on the 'on done resting' event?
Nope they werent. Let me know if the issue still persists and if it can still be recreated.
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