Slippery Mind broken (?)
The Slippery Mind feat does not seem to be doing anything. I first thought it was only fear - but also found it to do nothing for failed Will save vs. sonic or a hold-person spell cast by another PC.
I'm not sure, but this feat may work the same way as the blind fight feat, where a reroll is made if you fail but it doesn't show you.
As far as I know what Swifty said is correct.
Wow, is there any way to test that? Even on a single roll she would only have failed 5 or 6 fear will saves on a single quest only on a 1,2,3 (with bravery on, not in these example screenshots). Failing such things for the occasional re-roll seems plausible but half a dozen times, with re-rolls for each one? What are the odds?
Maybe I could roll a hundred times with a 50% chance, with the dice toolbar?
Slippery Mind has a hidden roll which is hardcoded and currently not possible to expose it. Might be in the future but its up to Beamdog/NWNX to enable it and less us. But the roll does happen.
Ok, thanks for the reassurance! I guess low probabilities just do happen :-)
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