Mapping of sewer not working
I found all three point of interest down in the sewer butit says map is incomplete still
does the map specify 3 points of interest?
just seems low for the area, especially when you consider the secret places -
one of the POI was hidden behind a burrowed hole. I am uncertain if it ever got fixed. Some might be hidden behind secret doors but I can't remember.
@TheMinionOfArabel i tried mapping red wood too did not finish the map..
some of the POI are small and easy to miss, also, there are several POI and will need a few run at it. Some maps have over a dozen Points of Interest. You get 3 charges per rest on a cartography tools item.
Maybe a better description on the tools could be added to make it clear the item is rechargeable?
@pylia There may be more than 3. PM me (Discord) a screenshot of your map.
situation resolved, was not a bug
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