Ranger Shop - Bracers of Twin Blade not working
Version: 231115 Echo 8193
Shop: Ranger Only Shop
Merchant location: Arabel Outskirt, Calantar's Road, near the Wildwalker camp.
Item: Bracer's of the Twin BladeIssue: These do not work when wearing light armor. I suspect it is because of the feat Dual-Wield that rangers get when wearing light armor, that gives the same bonus.
If they were meant to be used when wearing medium armor, perhaps a description update would avoid buying these and not being able to use them?This is the ranger feat in question:
It does say wearing heavier Armour than leather, but maybe a little more clear could help.
certainly would, especially for the mechanically challenged like me >_>
description updated v8194
Bit of confusion all around here. I'll need to do a test to confirm something but in short the item is meant to allow rangers to still benefit from the dual-wield class feature while wearing medium armour. Dual-wield is basically two-weapon fighting AND ambidextrous feat combined into a class feature but that class feature is removed if a ranger wears medium or heavy armour (heavier than leathers)
It seems the new version has a bit of redundant text.
I believe the "Only useable with no or light armour" part is incorrect.
@Swifty-Willownall Professor said they should be useable with medium armor. Give us time :)
the item is meant to allow rangers to still benefit from the dual-wield class feature while wearing medium armour.
I ran a test and this is working as intended/not bugged.
Bracers have Two Weapon Fighting and Ambidextrous feats as properties allowing a ranger to wear medium armour and maintain the ranger benefit of wielding two weapons as if wearing no armour or light armour.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Bug Reports on