Raz Grizz / Razgrizz Lenistar / race Aasimar WITHDRAWN
Raz Grizz / Razgrizz Lenistar / race Aasimar*
Wood ELf/Cleric(Deity:Sehanine Moonbow with domain hesitation between elf and good or knowledge and good)-fighter/Chaotic-Good/to become 8-2 / Razgrizz LenistarInterest into the House of Ash in the faction of Sehanine Moonbow, and intending to become one of it s greatest knight defender
by destroying the undead that plague the region surrounding Arabel and findign clues of my origin**.
180 years ago in Hullack a elven community name Vel'endry tribe was lead by the Coronal Eldrick Vel'endry and his queen Laatrya, they had 4 children, (Vierna
the eldest, Logarth the eldest son, Garthzig the second son, and viala the youngest and second daugther) and with many tribes of Hullak,
war against tribes of orcs were frequents,and in that time, one such War struck our tribe and in this war many warriors of the tribe perished,
the Coronal got badly injured and his second son died in battle, but in that trouble time a cellestial name Erolus Lenistar came from the
Seldarine gods in aid after the prayers of Sehanine priest and tess and the war was won, Erolus stayed a while after the war was over and the
Coronal died from is injury 4 months later, in that time the queen fell in love with the cellestial and the cellestial fell also for the queen,
and on a sinful night they secretly consumated their love, at the night of the Coronal funeral, my mother got stomach sick, indicating pregnancy
and not knowing if Erolus or Eldrick was the father, she chose to end and hide her affair and the celestial left the tribe with a heart ache.
Then the queen gave birth to her third son Razgrizz but with blue glowing eyes indicating cellestial blood, falling from grace the queen fell ill, and soon died of her
illness, and bad luck didnt strike once but twice as another rising tribe of orcs attacked the tribe, and the elves of that tribe werent match for the orcs
those who fled and survived by joining the eldreth veluutrah tribes, these elves survivor cursed the elven family name of Vel'endry, making the last child of the queen a
outcast among his tribe, and of his remaining sibbling resentful of him for their outcome. One among the survivor a priestess of Sehanine took the child and ran away with him fearing for his life
and brought him to a far away seclude temple of Sehanine, were he was safe and where he learned under Sehanine moonbow priest and priestess how to become one of their best defender.
and now tody, he has return to Arabel to bring Sehanine Moonbow s protection and guidance and to re trace his family step 180 years ago, and search for clues of his father.
( i believe this let you DMs develop or not on my background family, by adding hullack area where clues of my family could be found, in DM event, using family member still alive today for revenge,
bringing forth the cellestial in a dm event and turn out he know of my father whereabout, or his my father.. ect... or any of your own likking)
(non human make them non true aasimar from what i have gathered? not sure if it would give me the same bonus as a true Aasimar,
but honnestly if my character only have the bluish glowee eyes that would be fine by me, as long as one can see my heritage,
like the horns of a tiefling :P** if Dm wish to add part of my background in their own events or make event base on my background i would be more than willing to drive them ride them and included as many as i can also by making patrol in Hullak with all the players willing to help, also by promoting the faction or house Ash through actions torward undeads with participation of aventurers willing to join our causes, the mroe i ll grow and raise in rank or such, i would use the influence gained to attract even more to our cause... i believe i could manage that, of course with your help and help from other players.
I already told him that it isnt likely to be approved that his mother was some Elven queen.
very short on goals (only has 2: destroy the undead (in the hullack?) & find clues of pc's origin)
voting "with changes"
- needs no royal background
- needs goals
@Echo said in Raz Grizz / Razgrizz Lenistar / race Aasimar:
needs no royal background
needs goalsYeah edit, nice to see him trying to get involved though
Subrace Questions:
Why Aasimar?
Why Aasimar + Wood Elf?Wood Elves usually follow Solonor, Shevarash, Rillifane and Fenmarel and less likely to worship Sehanine Moonbow and it is majorly worshiped by Moon Elves. Quoting here from FR's Demihuman Deities:
The clergy of Sehanine includes moon elves (54%), gold elves (34%), wild elves (5%), half-moon elves (4%), half-gold elves (1%), and half-wild elves (1%), and a handful (1%) of dark elves, sea elves, winged elves, and half-elves of those ancestries.
To me the choice of that combination right now sounds like a pure powerbuilding move so he will have to justify this. Otherwise I would recommend Moon Elf + Aasimar or just Moon Elf.
A Coronal is considered a High King of an Elven nation. An example of that would be Coronal Zaor Moonflower of Evermeet. These individuals must pass a rite by a sentient sword often referred to Ar'Cor'Kerym(The blade of the king) and there are a handful of those. I seriously doubt some unknown tribe will have it and not unite all Elves in the region under it(He claims that there are many tribes so they are not unified under that King's rule).
Also if we would approve this we would need to treat this as cannon and I doubt it is. 180 years is also a very short time ago.
Beside all that I agree it needs much more goals.
@Puffy said in Available PC Races:
All subraces must be applied to the default race
You can be a Moon Elf[Default] Dragontouched but not a Sun Elf Dragontouched
Cant be an wood elf aasimar
No no no no.
He will not be a royal.
He will not be an Aasimar Wood Elf.
Are there even Wood Elf Coronals? Aren't they generally tribals?
Raz has wanted a story involving some kind of secret background for awhile.
This appears to hinge on "Chosen by Corelleon"
Literally gods-touched elves. This is alittle OP for our setting.
Gods Touched, Royal, and essentially official clergy (picked by the church)? Might as well make him a half dragon, too.
I would have no issues with a regular elf direct descendant of a Hullack-Elf tribe. But this feels like too much tea in the tea pot. We could even let him name the tribe, and if he's doing well and involving players, dot in some references about the tribe. But this doesn't require Aasamir or royal blood.
Recommend Special Background: as an Elf of the Hullack trying to recover lost land.
This dude constantly makes 6 charisma 20 strength wood elves.
He plays clerics and never once mentions his gods.
I am not going to entertain any app for him unless he is wowing people lately or something?
He once made an elf cleric of Shar.
I'm communicating with him and will try to steer him in the right direction. I will ask what build he intends to use.
@SpiffyMeister LOL That's kind of amazing. Holy shit.
Agreed, I have seen him running around as well with 6 cha max dex or max con pcs.
I think that's a separate issue all together, though. Someone not roleplaying their stats is different from someone not understanding how to submit an appropriate application.
In this case, I think he's guilty of both.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on