Maela's Monsters Quest Boss Broke
Area name: Maela's Sewers
Issue Location: Boss Area
Quest Name: Maela's Monsters
Store Name:
NPC Name: Strange Cultist
NPC Location:
Server Version:
Screen Shot:
Time: Description: The quest boss for Maela's monsters drank a barkskin potion and then just stood there looking at me. I had thought it was DM possessed at first since I had yelled for him to surrender and he was under arrest but Echo responded and confirmed he was broke. He kept breaking combat with me during the fight.
Area name:
Issue Location:
Quest Name: Brewery (4-6)
Store Name:
NPC Name: Drunk Satyr
NPC Location: End Boss of the Dwarven brewery Quest
Server Version: Arabel version 8138
Screen Shot:
Time: GMT +1 18:40~Issue Description:
Same issue as above - Boss suddenly stops attacking and becomes passive. Moved around and looted a chest and waked up to the boss. No response.The quest is this:
Brewery (4-6)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Veig Cooper, located in Arabel: Interiors (Brewery) -
Is this happening on other quest too?
@Echo I can do a run of the lowbie quests if you want?
Having done a pretty crazy run of almost all of the lowbie quests, I've only seen it on that Maela's monsters so far. I'll do another run through tonight of a bunch of them and see if I see anything weird.
Quest name: Lord Darendaal's Ring
Area: ZQA: High Road: Darendaal's Crypt
Quest Giver: Darendaal Chamberlein
NPC: Skeleton MilitiamanIssue: Sometimes stops combat for a round until it reengages.
Have you done Maela's quest since this post? Did it happen again? -
I’ll try to run it tonight. I haven’t got much questing done recently
He still drinks a barkskin potion and then just stands there
I wonder if he's trying to get to the other side of the room but cant because of how the map is set up so he's hanging up.
@Echo He now responds and acts normal once attacked though.
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