precept quest
Area name:
Issue Location:
Quest Name:remnants of the precept
Store Name:
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Time: Description:
all of the chests in the quest could do with being rotated though 180 degrees, they have placeables in front of them that are part of the appearance of the quest that you want to keep but that block access to the things. I had to destroy them to gain the contents.
the traps also need adjusting as 30 odd elemental damage is a bit much for a 4-6 quest. it one shotted me despite elemental dr.
Fixed 8133
Chests moved, traps removed
P Puffy moved this topic from Bug Reports on
@Puffy the chest on the first floor still needs rotating, still have to bash it as the carpet rrolls stop access to the trigger.
@Cadiz Adjusted v8136