Bhaal Faith Book
The faith store in the starter area sells books for several other dead gods. Could we get a Bhaal book added sometime when there is time as plots make it a viable diety and he has always still granted powers despite being “dead”? Bane is in there and Kelemvor, despite him not being in our setting at all.
Also… I don’t believe the cult has earned a faith store so to speak but if we ever do can we get one of those books in there like the other faiths have for doing conversions? We’ve made converts IG already :)
@ArchPrimate said in Bhaal Faith Book:
Bane is in there and Kelemvor, despite him not being in our setting at all.
This is a bug and will be removed
Your Deity field only matters if you are a cleric.
Fair enough
@Echo It does, but from a DM standpoint, knowing the person's deity also helped give us an idea of what their values and give us a sense of what the PC may be about. If they were converted by a PC cleric, well- I do think any cleric should be able to spawn a book with a copy of their deity to give to players to change their god.
Shouldn’t be a problem to add Bhaal. OOC the deity is dead but folks thinking the power comes from him is no different than the deities that are alive and people thinking their powers are coming from them. Especially as there is plottage and player shenanigans underway around this. Spiffy wrote a heresy around Bhaal even.
Book of the Reaper Bhaal added to the starter store. Have to pester a DM to grab them for now. -
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Suggestions on