Letter: King Matrim Goldfeather
My Liege
I have been dilligently performing the investigation requested by you into this heinous breach of Royal Will.
What myself and loyal councillors Dall and Barra along with trusted allies such as Amakiir have uncovered may be uncomfortable and scandalous yet it is undoubtedly worth further investigation
I am not trying to sabotage the war, I am trying to prevent something much worse which I believe is an attempt to weaken the your Crown in this war so that Cormyr can seize it
I do not ask forgiveness for the Fellowship they do not deserve it, They have been played like fools because they could not accept the truth.
In my time in House Mossmere I befriended one of Ser Cormaerils Senior Retainers. I discovered she is in fact a bastard of Lord Cormaeril and was schooled by Mordecai, She fears if this secret comes out Lord Gaspar will send assasins for her, But if she obeys her step brother Mordecai he will protect her, Yet she also fears him.
Worse still I have discovered after she let herself be killed by Archer to prevent an infection of Slaad from the Hullack coming close to the city and risking Ser Cormaeril even though I assured her it could be cured.
Rather than pay for her raise at the Temple of Tymora who is her patron, Ser Cormaeril allowed Archer to use the powers of The Lady to raise her, She was raised but The Lady marked her and demanded she aid her as payment.
She did not make this pact willingly, she hates it, She has night terrors due to it, She wants to kill Archer yet something stays her hand.
She was caught in Hillmarch after the explosion, Acting most oddly, I spoke with her yesterday and almost coaxed the truth from her, Yet she lost all focus and went vacant, I believe she is under some form of Geas from this mark that compels her to obey likely via the Archer who also holds a pact with The Lady.
I have asked the Wildwalkers for information on the Ladys powers yet they will not share them as druidic secrets.
Archer refuses to admit what he has done is wrong, even if he knows the nature of the Ladys powers.
So I ask you humbly for one small favour to help bring the truth to light. Share with me what can be done to remove the Ladys mark on her so she can speak
Adrian of House Iverlesk, Apprentice to Dwight Mossmere
A herald forwards this to Commander Cormaeril and the rest of the council to discuss
Naturally I support this
A full investigation into the sabotage was ordered by their majesties and announced by the Royal Herald
@SpiffyMeister said in Announcement by the Palace::
Hear ye, hear ye!
By the authority vested in us by the Lawful and Righteous Monarchs, we address the noble and virtuous citizens of the realm!
It is with heavy hearts that we convey the occurrence of a dastardly act within our sacred dominion. We have been apprised that a most heinous theft transpired in the hallowed confines of a warehouse in the esteemed town of Immersea. The pilfered items were none other than highly valuable supplies, essential for the prosperity and well-being of our kingdom.
But, regrettably, that is not all. A far greater peril looms upon the horizon, for these stolen supplies were repurposed with wicked intent. By some vile hand, they were transformed into explosives, which in turn were deployed in an attempt to disrupt the noble plans crafted by the revered Council of 12. These noble plans aimed at purging our beloved lands from the clutches of planar and malevolent influences, thereby safeguarding our people from harm.
As the sun sets, casting shadows upon the investigation, we find ourselves faced with elusive suspects. It is rumored that two human females, who sought to exploit the sanctity of our realm, may be involved in this treacherous act. Additionally, two halflings, perhaps enticed by sinister promises, are among the individuals implicated in this nefarious scheme. Moreover, an enigmatic elvish-looking figure, shrouded in mystery, has been sighted in the vicinity of the crime.
We are resolved to bring these malefactors to justice and to heal the wounds inflicted upon our realm. Therefore, in the pursuit of truth and righteousness, we beseech our loyal subjects to aid us in this endeavor. Any information that leads to the swift capture and apprehension of all parties involved in these grievous acts shall be richly rewarded. Your cooperation is vital to restoring harmony and order within our kingdom.
Let this decree be known far and wide, that every citizen may be vigilant and steadfast in the defense of our realm against those who would sow discord and mischief.
Long live the kingdom!
The Royal Herald
It is not my fault that what has been uncovered seems scandalous, The truth can often be uncomfortable and cause pain, yet it is what we must discover.
Let us pursue this fully.
We are resolved to bring these malefactors to justice and to heal the wounds inflicted upon our realm. Therefore, in the pursuit of truth and righteousness, we beseech our loyal subjects to aid us in this endeavor. Any information that leads to the swift capture and apprehension of all parties involved in these grievous acts shall be richly rewarded. Your cooperation is vital to restoring harmony and order within our kingdom.
And these words were answered by the poster i provided. I do not understand your dogged attempts to bring this to the fore once more.
Is it not enough for you that we march to our deaths, denied any support form you or your house in terms of materials and magics?
I find you most obtuse in your thinking, almost as if you wage this war solely for your own benefit and not the peoples of this land.
Because Archer even if you did do this for the good of the people as you claim, then forcing an innocent woman to aid against her will by magical compulsion which we have grounds to suspect is the case is morally reprehensible.
You act like you have the moral high ground yet commit far worse than you say I do, which is of course slander
You do realise how politically damning it looks on our esteemed commander for one of his retainers to be caught near a potential act of treason in a his houses colours which is why it behooved me to look to see if Ser Cormaeril did have a hand in it.
However it seems likely he did not order her to assist and she was only there under magical compulsion from the mark of the Lady which is only there because you used her power rather than raise her at a temple
You speak now, and seemingly as ever, about things you have no real knowledge of.
Maybe you might follow orders for a time and learn how the nobles of this world truly act?
Do not bother to reply for it is clear you still chase this bone for your collection.
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