Aurora Amberhilt is confused
Area name: Arabel Outskirts: Calantar's Road
Issue Location: Pig pen infront of the Wild Walkers
Quest Name: N/A
Store Name: N/A
NPC Name: Aurora Amberhilt
NPC Location: Same as Issue Location
Server Version: 8085
Screen Shot:
Issue Description: I have all three things she is asking for, but she refuses to acknowlege so. I am not sure what item she is not acknowledging. The only thing I can think of is I found the Nugget of Copper sitting next to a mining rock, but I chiseled out the two minerals myself. EDIT: Mined a new Nuggest of Copper, still no good. Not sure what is going on then.
Hotfix attempted. Pending the result the issue will be fully resolved as of version Strife 8087.
@Strife-and-Discord Hotfix resolved the issue, the Quest worked as intended. Thank you!
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