Randomly getting sent into the dream state of the faceless when not IN the faceless
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Server Version: Arabel version 8079
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Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description: I was waiting outside the north gate for someone who was resting in the faceless inn.
In my party was
Marius (the guy resting in faceless)
Tanya (Who was with me outside north gate)
Adrian (Also north gate)
Grin (Also north)
I was also outside the gate.Suddenly Marius triggers the dream sequence when resting but only I get transported there too.
Unable to duplicate.
Blame the lag monster, or some other mythical creature. -
@Echo shrugs Okay, lag monster, ghost in the machine.
There are items available to buy that blocks dream state, should it be desired
@Puffy very interesting! I did not know that!
Just how there are items that ensure it :)
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