Magic Museum: traps not working
Version: 230720 Spiffy 8073
Area: King's Forest, Dhedluk
Questgiver: Jena
Location: There is a room that is full of traps but they do not trigger.Could not see them, and there was no visible message saying they were tripped. No damage or effects were seen. Echo knows more.
the trap triggers are there, idk why they werent visible, or didnt activate, or even send a message...
I just checked and they're showing up in game so give the quest another test for me, thanks!
I tried another fix. v8076
give it a try and let me know if it works! -
OKAY! One more attempt at this! v8084
Thanks to @TheMinionOfArabel for all the feedback and testing -
ok someone try this again after 8090 loads. i think i fixed the traps. and the loot. maybe. we'll see
this has been reported to be fixed (finally)
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on