Lowering costs of the Various Enchanting Oils
Currently the pricing for these are, in my opinion, too steep. I would like to suggest to half the price at least, as I think atm that dumping hides in prestige chests and saving up for a malar bag is more efficient use of time and gold then the crafting way of spending 400~ gold on each try to make a magic bag.
However, currently that is the only way I am looking at it, if others would weigh in that would also be appreciated.
As it stands, I would like those prices lowered as I don't think they are worth it.
Thank you, please discuss :)
P.S. I would like to reiterate that this is not in any way supposed to come across as negative and wasnt meant as such.
@Zolm You should not lose the oil if you fail. The role on making these items, so you are not wasting the coin.
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