ring suggestions
new rings for jewelry suggestion
Greenstone Tin Rat hide x2 2 AC vs Vermin Malachite Tin Deer Hide x2 2 AC vs Animal Fire Agate Tin Red mushroom x4 2 AC vs Beast Aventurine Tin White mushroom x4 2 AC vs Magical beast Phenalope Tin Goblin ear x4 2 AC vs Goblinoid Amethyst Tin Orc head x2 2 AC vs Orc Feldspar Tin Wyvernblood x2 2 AC vs Reptilian Dragon Garnet Tin Giant's head, Ettin's head 2 AC vs Giant Greenstone Iron Feydust x2 2 AC vs Fey Malachite Iron Black mushroom x4 2 AC vs Monstrous humanoid Fire Agate Iron Ichor x4 2 AC vs Ooze Aventurine Iron Elemental essence air, fire, earth, wind 2 AC vs Elemental Phenalope Iron Purple mushroom x4 2 AC vs Construct Onyx Iron Skeleton knuckle x4 2 AC vs Undead Amethyst Iron Yellow mushroom x4 2 AC vs Aberration Feldspar Iron Slaad tongue x4 2 AC vs Outsider Garnet Iron Belladonna x4 2 AC vs Shapechanger Alexandrite Titanium Blood of halfling x2 1 AC vs Halfling Topaz Titanium Blood of gnome x2 1 AC vs Gnome Sapphire Titanium Blood of dwarf x2 1 AC vs Dwarf Fire Opal Titanium Blood of elf x2 1 AC vs Elf Diamond Titanium Blood of half-orc x2 1 AC vs Half-orc Ruby Titanium Blood of half-elf x2 1 AC vs Half-elf Emerald Titanium Blood of human x4 1 AC vs Human -
@fizzgig I have an entire rework of crafting in the plans for this summer. I will take your suggestions into consideration.
thank you for your hard work!
@fizzgig + 1 ac vs creature types on its own is pretty weak tbh. A lot of buffs increase deflection.
shield pots or spells are common too, so unless stuff is set to stack might be a lot of work for stuff that just isnt used other than to increased craft skill?
maybe if you could add those rings to a set of crafted boots to create dodge modifiers?
i know that that is another tier of work that would be required, sorry Echo!
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