Report: Wyvernwater Gem
The Skulls located this Cannon in the slums.
He is a middle man it seems operating on behalf of an ancient and rich individual known as Castellan and it is Castellan seeking this gem.
More information is needed on Castellan.
I expect quiet enquiries would work better here than the very vocal skulls.
Perhaps a task for Elsa who is still in the region.
Excellent work, Ser Adrian. I met a rather dishevelled man of the Umberlee faith and he has sworn to take the gem. Perhaps, it has some form of religious significance?
Methven, Question the man if you see him and see what more he knows on the gem.
I have asked Elsa and an elf who has been working with me to make discrete enqueries into this Castellan
Unfortunately Methven was slain on an expedition to the sunken reef in which the Skulls made off with the gem before its nature was realised or study could be performed.
However from the auctioneers posting it seems like it may be part of a larger whole.
If the gem was the water shard I theorise there will be shards of wind, earth and fire.
Considering the water was found in the Wyvernwater I believe others may be found in areas with strong connections to the element they are tied to.
The fire may be found in the volcano or perhaps the cavern of the sun in the Stonelands.
The earth is likely underground, I would theorise the Kings or Queens Abyss series of caverns
I expect the Air will be high in the Stormhorns
The gem is coming for auction tommorow
Count Immerdusk, can funds be provided to ensure the Crown Guard gets this gem for study and it doesnt slip into the hands of incompetent adventurers.
I suppose if a peasant obtains it we could seize it later but I would rather it be studied quickly by those with noble blood
Funds will not be made available for this.
Attend on behalf of the organisation, your admission fee will be accommodated via petty cash. Track its whereabouts and acquire it from the successful bidder for the purposes of study.
Count Immerdusk.
Count Immerdusk,
May I propose that if we are able to acquire the gem, or other gems, we offer Lord Mossmere the opportunity to study it with us?
House Mossmere has, I understand, been wanting more opportunities to advance themselves against the Precept Arcanum, enough to be willing to grant property and noble title to Dyernini's band of mercenaries, who promised to create an arcane institution. Though that didn't pan out, it shows where their thoughts are going.
If we were to ally with them, we might be able to raise each other up in council and create a solid, workable alternative to the present state of arcane affairs.
//Jasda al Tyr//
Also, a note on the volcano; I've been there, myself. While we weren't looking for a gem of elemental power, I understand that the Planeswalkers who settled in Immersea were using magic to extract something similar, but were prevented.
I am only nominally possessed of arcane knowledge, but perhaps Adrian might be able to suss out the details. I believe those Planeswalkers are still trapped on this plane and they are based out of the port.
When it became time for the gem to be auctioned darkness appeared around the case and it was stolen.
The thief fled through a supposedly secure back way leaving undead to slow pursuit.
A gold coin with a symbol of a castle and potent necromancy magic was left as a sort of calling card.
I will attempt a divination on the coin to try and locate the theif and the gem.
As a large clear pool of water shall be needed I shall attempt this at the pool of eldath in the hullack
I fully support getting the support of House Mossmere for the Crown Guard, however to get their interest I expect we would need to find them a magical artifact of some significance, make a magical discovery, find some significant knowledge of the region or something they would approve of.
No doubt recovering one of the other elemental gems would gain their approval if study was made of it
To ensure the pool is clear for the divination I will work with Elsa to test my theory on elemental essences.
She will be given a scroll of water jet and water essence and tasked to cast the spell through the essence in the pool to clear any impurities that would interfere with the divination.
If she manages this suscessfully perhaps not all peasant mages are incompetent
A divination was performed. It revealed a figure at a crumbling ruin of a castle slowly being rebuilt.
The castle appeared very ancient from a forgotten kingdom.
Unfortunately I do not recognise where it may be as it doesn't resemble any ruin I know of in the region.
I believe locating one of the other elemental gems may allow us to learn more as he will undoubtedly send people to try and take it which can be interrogated
An expedition to the Stonelands yesterday uncovered who holds the fire gem.
A fire giant by the name of Emjra. We fought through a volcano and into a mine where the giants appeared to be mining gems as offerings to this Emjra who wasn't there in person but communicated through a magical device.
Unfortunately an exact location on Emjra was not ascertained so more information is needed.
I'll try and hire the skulls to ensure we get the elemental gems.
Emjra is reported to be a king of the Stonelands giants who has had a few run ins with expeditions of House Mossmere.
I'll enquire where these were and search for him, I would not be surprised if it were around the Caves of the Sun as Fire Giants like heat and the cave contains lava
I spoke with House Mossmere and it is said they encounter the giants most near the ruins of Hilthal which is where the White Witches Tower is.
I'll take a group over the next few days to seek to recover this gem for study
Yesterday I took a group to where House Mossmere reported giants had been seen.
We went deeper into the desert and located a cave of giants and fire elementals, we came across a priest making offerings to a statue of Emjra and were able to learn that Emjras lair is in Mount Balrock.
Mossmere will provide a guide in the next few days. The fire shard will be recovered and studied
The shard of fire has been recovered from the fire giant Emjra. It is clear it contains great powers however they seem to be sealed off
I theorise that as all the gems were created by the same mage that they must be brought together to fully awaken their powers.
I'll begin mounting expeditions for the other shards
I took a group and thoroughly explored the kings and queens abyss caves in search of clues to the Earth Shards location. Alas no traces were found.
Perhaps it is in a forest or the tunnels that snake around the city itself.
Further searches will be made. The shards must be recovered by the Crown Guard or trusted nobility and proper study conducted for the betterment of the realm
I will try and form a new contract with the Skulls to assist searching for the shards and delivering them to us should they locate them and we are not present
No doubt this will be expensive but so far they have proved competent and ensuring we have the gems is worth some expenditure
A possible shard has been recovered by myself, an Archer of the Fellowship and Landric, Bannerman of House Cormareil.
We discovered a path to some ancient ruins at a high peak of the stormhorns accessable through the frozen Kingdom.
Inside we battled strange magical creatures and undead as well as beasts from the underdark.
We came across an inactive portal and found a chest containing a runic stone.
I'll perform study upon it to discover if it is a shard or a lead to recovering one.