Quest: Abyssal Woods
This quest is a 7-10 and is one of the harder quests currently in the game due to the final fight.
It drops shit all though. A couple lesser restores, healing kits, a scroll an some leathers with +2 Hide/MS and some darkness charges.Ran with 2 people and spent far more consumes that the quest gave as rewards.
Pls fix loot to reflect the difficult c:
Have to agree. Even with getting the 'bonus' chests, the reward isn't that great due to the difficulty most people probably experience on it. The gear drops themselves, from what i've seen, aren't worth using for most people, and the consumable drops are only sometimes 'OK' (IE if you get lucky and get a couple of haste potions.
Either up the consumable drops or rework the loot. Personally, my vote would be reworking the loot (Consumables are already so available), make a couple of top end rings/amulets that most people would find usuable due to the higher difficulty.
Them spiders suck, yo.
@SpiffyMeister do me a favour and look the loot over
8024 Quest updated with loot improvements, and some spawn tweaks
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on