Tailoring ideas
Just a few ideas for cloths and light armour to flesh tailoring out a bit, especially with the pure rogue store being a thing. Going to post two versions for a few of them, that could be separate items or different stats to consider from a balance point of view
Murder Dress (ac 0)
For those romantic evenings where attempts on your life might be on the menu!Basic
+1 ac + 2 vs piecing
+2 bluff
+2 pickpocket
+2 vs poisonsRecipe: 10 spider silk, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, 2 enchanting oil, 1 cougar leather, 1 lessor ink of illusion and 1 enchanted aventurine.
+2 ac + 3 vs piecing
DI 10% piecing
+2 bluff
+2 pickpocket
+2 vs poisonsRecipe: 10 Spider silk, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, 2 enchanting oil, 1 malar panther leather, 1 ink of illusion and 1 enchanted emerald.
Experts Vest (ac 2)
While not exactly well suited for battle, this suits numerous tools and pockets are very useful when you’re trying to crack problems.
+2 open lock
+2 disable device
+2 set trap
+2 search
+2 heal
+2 loreRecipe: 1 white stag leather, 2 worg leather, 1 pattern, 1 essence of knowledge, 1 healers kit + 3 and 1 thief’s tools + 3.
Mage’s Robe of Battle (ac 0)
To many mages, the biggest threat on the battlefield is other mages. Thus many mages wear robes to designed to combat the arcane.Basic
DI 5% Fire
DI 5% Cold
DI 5% Electricity
DI 5% AcidRecipe: 10 cotton, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, 2 enchanting oil, 1 endure elements potion and 1 lesser ink of abjuration
DI 10% Fire
DI 10% Cold
DI 10% Electricity
DI 10% Acid
+2 Spellcraft
SR 10Recipe: 10 cotton, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, 2 enchanting oil, 1 protection from elements potion, I enchanted mithril ingot and 1 ink of abjuration
Battle Fan (fan)
While not a real weapon per say, harmless looking objects that can kill have always had there uses…D4 slashing damage
+2 bluffRecipe: 2 bat leather, 5 spider silk and 1 iron ingot.
Arcane fan (fan)
While not much use as a weapon, these fans are enchanted to help with controlling the arcane.Bonus feat: Spell penetration
+2 spellcraft
SR 10Recipe: 2 bat leather, 5 spider silk and 1 mithril ingot.
Gentleman’s Leathers (ac 3)
Named for there popularity with gentlemen thieves, over actual nobles. These leathers help with smooth talking … and deflecting the swords of the authorities.+1 ac vs law
+2 bluff
+2 persuade
+2 intimidateRecipe: 3 worg hide, 1 pattern, 1 potion of eagle’s splendour.
Stealth Suit (ac 0)
While most commonly used by the monks of more subtle orders, these suits are sometimes used by more subtle mages as well.+1 ac
+2 hide
+2 move silently
+2 tumbleRecipe: 3 panther hide, 1 pattern, 1 potion of camouflage.
Warmage Leathers (ac 3)
Most mages cast mage armour to protect themselves from harm, however some dislike relying on a ward that can be dispelled or run out at the wrong time, thus these suits exist.Basic
No arcane spell failure.Recipe: 3 brown bear hide, 1 pattern and 1 lesser ink of abjuration.
No arcane spell failure
DI 5% piecing
DI 5% slashing
DI 5% blunt
+2 spellcraft
+2 disciplineRecipe: 3 dire bear hide, 1 pattern , 1 mithril ingot and 1 ink of abjuration.
Got ideas for the recipes?
I've tried to merge this with the 3 items from the extant table for Cloth Tunics and Padded Armors (which was still very short), and added two which are sort of inspired by @DracoS suggestions.
In general, I like how the new crafting centres facilitate different types of crafters to meet in game. This might make it more interesting and feasible to have some higher level recipes include a broader variety of items produced by different types of crafting.
Cloth Tunics/Padded Armors
All cloth tunics require 10 cotton, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, and 2 enchanting oil. Additional materials listed below.
Type Recipe Level Matl. A Matl. B Matl. C Matl. D Crafting XP Notes Hullack Stola (AC 0) 4 1 Potion of Cats Grace 1 Scroll of Charm Person/Animal - - 60 Bonus Spell Slot Druid/Ranger Level 1, AE+2, Hide/MS/Tumble +1 Padded Stormhorns Tunic (AC 1) 4 1 Potion of Lore 1 Potion of Endure Elements - - 60 Cold/Electrical Immunity 5%, Lore/Spellcraft+2 Stonelands Tunic (AC 0) 8 1 Potion of Eagle's Splendor 1 Potion of Endure Elements 1 Potion of Bravery - 100 Fire 10% Immunity; Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing 5% Immunity, Discipline/Persuade +2 Survival Instinct Robe (AC 0) 9 1 Potion of Death Ward 1 Ink of Necromancy 1 Bone Charm of Splendour 2 Sugar Juice 110 +3 vs Death Magic, Death Armor (7) 5 uses; +2 bluff, +2 persuade, +1 concentration Edgy Murder Dress (AC 1) 12 2 Ink of Abjuration 1 Essence of Warding 2 Leather Pouches 4 Platinum Wires 140 +3 AC vs. Piercing, 15% Piercing Immunity, 5% Bludgeoning Vulnerability, +2 vs poisons, +2 pick pocket, +2 intimidate, +2 open lock -
@Echo @SilverSquirrel
Recipes added!
Various new clothing added!
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on