Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement wrong type
Server Version: 7672
Screen Shot:
Issue Description:
As a divine caster creating a Ray of Enfeeblement wand, it creates as an arcane wand and I cannot use it. -
@silverswift Double check that, not sure if it is still like this, but wand crafting makes two different sorts of "arcane" wands, one is blue text, the other is purple iirc. One is Arcane only, but the other can be used by anyone that uses magic. Check the description and do not rely on the name.
@silverswift Ray of Enfeeblement isn't a cleric spell, so even if you get granted it by a Domain wands of it are still only usable by Arcane classes as it counts as an arcane spell.
that wasnt how it used to work, used to be able to get divine invis wands for sure
@toportime said in Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement wrong type:
Double check that
Doublecheck what? It's arcane. It's red. I can't use it even though I made it. Trust me, I checked it before I reported it.
Yeah, probably due to the fact it is only a Cleric Spell via Domain.
@toportime said in Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement wrong type:
Yeah, probably due to the fact it is only a Cleric Spell via Domain.
And the last time this came up, it was said that this was intended. (Me personally, I'd prefer it worked for clerics when made by a cleric with the spell in their domain, but it's not how it was designed.)
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