Claimable Base | Oldflower Estate
So I made something for an event, now I want to add it as a base. Possibly a claimable one.
Location: Arabel, King's Plaza (Preferably in a corner out of the way.)
Description: A small dilapidated estate formerly belonging to House Oldflowers. A minor house with an agricultural background, renowned for their gardening skills. All known family members have perished during Gondegal's rebellion, dying during riots for siding with the Kingdom of Cormyr.
Free resting
Storage (10)
Ambient NPCs (See Context)Could be improved in future through story progression.
House Oldflowers was a minor but prideful house which had been falling on hard times even before Gondegal's Rebellion. Failed harvests and poor financial decisions had left them in debt and unable to support themselves. Having no choice but to retreat into the countryside they opted to sell their estate for auction.House Florent, then more prominent, had won out on the auction. Paying in installments to be grante the deed to the estate. However before the trade could be fully realized Gondegal happened. House Florent fell into ruin and the Oldflowers were butched during a riot, their estate put to the torch.
With the death of Oldflowers the deed of the estate was lost, regally the estate belonged to the crown. But no one had any interest in a ruin with such bloody history, and rumours of being haunted.
So I had intended to run an event for House Florent, to delve further into their history.An old manservant of House Florent Johan Faust, approached Sabriel Florent with information that House Oldflowers owed a debt to the Florent family. Sending them on their way to the Oldflower estate, which to their surprise was little more than a ruin.
Inside they encountered the old gardener Jon Brackenbrook, reduced to a drunk. Who visisted the estate from time to time to mourn the loss of the family's youngest daughter. After some heated words Sabriel and the gardener had a heart to heart, mourning their losses and coming to an understanding.
Sabriel suggested to use the estate as a base for the Order of the Illuminated Blade, breathing life into the dead ruin once more.
I thought this was very fitting, for a ruined noble to live in a broken place of tragedy but also new beginnings.
Initially I want to make this available to the Order of the Illuminated Blade through Sabriel Florent as per the storyline.
I feel they did earn this, their group does a lot of very good and inclusive roleplay.
I think MiTM planned to give them some other base....
This looks cool though.
Is this a claimable base?
Can some other group take it from them?- If not how much is the upkeep/gold sink? The LH had to make regular gp payments for example to have their secure hideaway.
What is the tie in with House Florent/Perk that is associated for Olouth?
If there is a fall out between Sabiel and the Blade who actually has the perk ICly?Not to be the fun police, I do like this group but am concerned with their predilection to avoid anything conflict related or that involves risk. Seems a bit like rping in a vacuum and sims but hope I am wrong.
Before I vote, what are the significant things they have done?
They've been very active in the aftermath of the beholder plot, investigating the after effects and uncovering certain plotpoints that were missed by the red till dead crowd.
I'm not psyched verk is in the faction, and I'm pretty sure the moment another crown guard member expressed interest he'd be replaced.
I hear what you mean by conflict avoidant but I disagree. There's degrees and spectrums that such people fall on, and for at least the most part, the group falls into pvp avoidant but not lose-avoidant, which is really the main thing we don't want to see.
They're good at pushing plots and involving folks in plots while maintaining some semblance of prestige, (Adelaide can't join,) and ICly they've done enough for certain factions to take notice of their research.
Idk about paying rent for a small faction base. It's not something I knew we did and it's kind of a bummer. Real life is hard enough I don't want to worry about paying my rent in fantasy elf game. If I have to worry about being a landlord in fantasy elf game I might have an existential crisis.
Just let it be a cool reward for doing cool stuff. If they stop doing cool stuff then stuff can happen to take it away.
I get your points but the requirements for gold and all that made more sense with a larger player base with higher demands, as it is now we can kind of just enjoy doing cool shit for a more niche player base.
Perfect summary. Voting yes.
Was about to type something up but Petey put it better than I would anyway.
I'll just add that beside the Beholder plotline they more or less involve themselves in all major plots, gathering and sharing information with various factions/people.
These guys are cool because they really delve into plots beyond a surface level, wanting to understand the underlying reasons and motivations which is why I enjoy interacting with them.
@voss_ said in Claimable Base | Oldflower Estate:
These guys are cool because they really delve into plots beyond a surface level, wanting to understand the underlying reasons and motivations which is why I enjoy interacting with them.
They come up with some stuff that makes me want to actually make it true. Which is fun.
@zool they actually get stuff right as well
@spiffymeister Yes, but that's less fun :)
This is now ingame, PCs can buy additional keys off the NPC if you already have one in their inventory.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on
@puffy said in Follow up on Old Flower manor. 2nd letter:
Miss Imyra,
There are few records of House Oldflower, they were once well known for their fine gardening skills and agricultural businesses. Some time before even the late Gondegal arrived to Arabel, they appear to have lost all their wealth. The neglected Oldflower estate was sold to House Florent, who soon after also lost their influence and wealth during the rise of Gondegal. It was during this time the Oldflower estate was ransacked, and further ruined.
I cannot find any records related to the estate which mentions elves, nor half-elves.
Librarian Hornshield
Imyra did a library search