Used Wands Disappear
Once a healing wand has been used up, it becomes a useless bit of junk.
I've noticed people just leave these things where-ever.
We're not supposed to do that, but people do it anyway.
Could we make it so that these wands in particular disappear after they're fully used?
Not without a load of really annoying scripting anyway.
The problem is this (explained multiple times before but hey ho)
NWN allows you to make it so that if items run out of charges, they get destroyed. (well, actually, it's if they don't have enough charges to use any of the charge per use properties, it can have 4 charges, if there is only a 5 charge/use thingy on it, it'll get destroyed)
"Just do that then Zool! you sausage!"
Yeah but, what if you have an item with 1/day slay verk, and five charges of cure light wounds, and you use the last charge? it'll get destroyed, you want your awesome DM loot being destroyed like that?
So, we chose the other option, which never destroys items.
I would need to script it so that, on use of the last charge of something, it checks if there are use/day, or other item properties we wanted to block from being destroyed (like single use, probably? maybe some others?)
Or something to check if there were any charges left, then don't destroy either-
Essentially, it's not just a quick fix, and would need a chunk of effort and thought before being implemented.
Ideally yes.
Currently no.
Would it be possible then to give these empty wands something like 1-5 influence for turning them in?
You can turn them in for lowbie influence at 1 charge, so I usually mind them carefully myself, but most people don't seem to.
You use them, or you turn them in.
They should already be giving less per charge.
If I made it give one when empty, there'd be no reason to turn them in before being fully used up.
It would also mean every other prestige item would do the same.I will try and make the dissapear when (actually useless, not just cant use one specific thing) happen, but it's really really not a high priority
Also, I don't care that wands get left around, in fact, I sort of like that items get left around, you can see where people were possibly fighting recently, or at least passed through, invisible people sometimes drop items (and if they are a known crafter, you may know it was a specific person) so... I think there's more pro's than cons anyway myself.
Yes, literally a trail of pie crumbs, for example.
It’s trash lol, it’s fine as is, become litterbugs!,!
What will the Druid’s say if we litter? Or the pixies?
@master_sarevok said in Used Wands Disappear:
What will the Druid’s say if we litter? Or the pixies?
Justified murder
Prestiege is not super easy to acquire and an empty wand does give a few prestiege points. As some items require a lot of presiege points (as a druid the most 'leet' item is worth 4000 ish points) I would say removing this item will make getting some prestiege stuff much harder, when it is hard to start with. My vote would be keeping them in with no changes at all.
@apollo2019 said in Used Wands Disappear:
an empty wand does give a few prestiege points.
A completely empty wand should give 0 prestige points.
If it isn't, please bug report it
Completely empty wands give 0 prestige so that's working as intended
With healing wands so easy to collect, you would think folks would save a charge or two on used wands to turn in for points, but seems they would prefer to leave trash all about the server to help induce lag.
@toportime said in Used Wands Disappear:
to help induce lag.
This is a bit of a myth. Objects simply existing doesn't really do much lag wise.
I will double check this the next time I have a wand that goes to empty in case I misread it. If it is definately the case I wil certainly put it in bug reports.
Warm wishes.
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