Report: Adventurers aiding devils
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This is a complicated matter and I am wary of getting into a full blown slugging match over the Duke over a matter, that while coming from sordid and literally tainted hands, benefited the Kingdom.
Here are the facts as I surmized-
- You cleared out a nest of demons, coming upon some sort of diabolical pillar.
- A devil approached, wishing to destroy it.
- You protested its presence, and sought to banish it.
- The Ravens disagreed, arguing that it'd be faster/better if the devil destroyed the pillar then risk researching it, and then finding a way, to destroy it (possibly risking another demonic incursion in the process).
- Blows were had, and you were forced to retreat.
So, it comes to this-
- Did the devil overtly benefit from destroying the pillar itself?
- Do we wish to challenge the Ravens on this matter? The Duke will protect them, and arguments can be made for say, what if it was a pillar spewing out celestials that wanted to purge us, and a slaad offered to destroy it- would we be as upset? What if it was a celestial that destroyed the pillar? No outsider is outwardly friendly, and indeed, the Royals have indicated that despite their celestial heritage, they feel no affinity to this bunch of creatures from the higher planes.
- Were there realistic and functional alternatives to the devil?
- Count Immerdusk
Count Immerdusk
The Raven Conrad and his ally Qo'i took a job from a devil to clear the way to this Pillar and fought alongside devilish soldiers
Ma'Crag of the Lathanderites attended first but wisely decided he would not fight alongside Devils and called for aid.
Myself, Adelaide and Donie met with Ma'crag and entered the nest after Conrad and Qo'i had entered and witnessed them assisting the devils and myself, Adelaide and Ma'Crag fought both the devils and demons and asked Conrad and Qo'i why they were aiding devils
At this point the fiend Za'gal flew in and said it would destroy the pillar and said Conrad would be rewarded for clearing the way.
Myself, Adelaide and Ma'crag challenged the devil and asked if the pillar could be destroyed another way, Donie didn't even attempt to make studies and said he believed it would take too long and that he was an old man and didnt have the energy
To answer the questions
1: I believe the devil did benefit from destroying the pillar, it has been actively recruiting adventurers to further the devils side of the planar incursions
2: We should challenge the Ravens for taking work from devils, They did this not for the good of the kingdom but for their own gain as they were promised rewards for this
3: Unfortunately we cannot be sure if there was another way as Donie didn't even study the pillar to find out if there was an alternative or not, Opting for the quick and easy optionDominic
Give them a firm, solid warning- that actions that benefit the infernal like this in the future will be given a much harsher punishment than a slap on the wrist. Next time, there will be a trial in the Palace, and we'll want heads.
Decide an amount of gold you think will be acceptable to them and issue it.
Buy some drinks.
Count Immerdusk
@spiffymeister @V-Rage
While Duke Misrim and his Ravens may not be of your liking, Mr. Dominic, we need more solid information about their infernal activities, before we risk alienating our ally.I will travel there myself in the coming days, and see if the carrot cannot bring better results than the stick in regards to the Ravens. If you have a number ready by then, I shall be happy to deliver the message to them personally.
S. Florent
A fine of 12500 has been collected
10 thousand for the crime of aiding creatures of evil as covered in the section of Arabellian citizenship
2500 for resisting arrest as he refused to pay at first and tried to flee.
No doubt he will complain to the Duke but it is his own doing
Mr. Swift,
Did you misread the words of Count Immerdusk? Decide upon an amount you think will be acceptable to them and issue it. If the man tried to resist, then undoubtedly you issued a far too high fine.I will state this only once. While I may not have been in the uniform as long as you, I will NOT accept any Crown Guard bringing undo unrest to the lands, casting them into chaos by trying to pick a fight with Duke Misrim. That is not how We of higher station conduct ourselves.
I imagine you and I shall become strong allies in the trials to come. But I will not allow harm to come to the Kingdom, because you wanted to prove yourself needlessly.
S. Florent
He was told the fine amount and refused to pay, saying he had commited no crimes and demanded a trial.
I was under the impression trials are a privilege of nobility and not something every criminal can demand especially over a fine.
Most true, peasants ought to know their place and not try to gain the perks of nobility!
Lady Florent
Just so things are clear, Conrad was only beaten down because he refused to pay the fine, said he had done no crimes and to collect the fine it would have to be taken by force
He was not willing to co-operate at all.
Mr. Swift,
One of the key differentiators between the common man and the noble one, is decorom. As Siamorphe teaches us, those of noble bloodlines, inherit their wisdom, intellect and charisma accross generations.
A retainer is the responsibility and honor of any lord to judge and punish. We spat in the face of Lord Misrim today, needlessly, by you using brute force where finesse would have succeeded.If Conrad had ACTUALLY committed acts of infernalism, we would not be punishing him with a fine and thereby teaching him a lesson, we would be cutting his head off. You could not prove that he was an infernalist, because he is not. Is he a man of virtue? Certainly not. But rather than letting his actions tarnish the reputation of his master, you tarnished ours.
We do not teach those beneath us to do better, through brute force. No, we educate them like the children they are. Do they sometimes need scolding? Sadly yes. But in this case, you acted rash, dishonorably and cowardly. TWO against ONE? Mind spells in a combat between equal adversaries?
ADDITIONAL fines, because he disagreed with your sentence?Our authority comes from the King, but through the people who trust us to be better.
In my eyes, this was a weak case, which you should have let go, in pursuit of more important matters. It ended up in you comitting banditry in the same uniform I wear. As my peers wear. Is this the best we can expect, when letting those of common blood into our ranks?
S. Florent