Execution of the traitor Qoi
Qo'i will be transferred to Eveningstar for re-educational purposes, aiding the House of the Morning against the vampire coven. As is the punishment advised by law.
As a start to proceedings we have the following.
At the very least this
'Conspiracy with, and/or assisting creatures of evil and traitors of the Kingdom, will result in being named a non-citizen and other charges at the discretion of the Realm. Those not considered citizens, are not protected by any law.'
Treason- The Act of Aiding the Enemies of Arabel, and its Leader, or its People.'Serious
'Armed Assault- Using any means to inflict excessive physical or magical violence on an unwilling individual. An individual killed and returned by magical means or miracle is to be treated as Armed Assault, unless the individual is a brave hero of the revolution or officiate in service of the Councils.'And possibly this
'Worship of Indecent- All worship the following entities is Forbidden in the name of public decency and the preservation of the free people's way of life: Aberrations, Devils and Demons.'Unless this was all done in Eveningstar, then he will not be transferred there. If he is transferred to Eveningstar so he can receive a slap on the wrist and made to say a prayer I shall find him and kill him myself.
If he is to be transferred anywhere then it should be Tilverton, where he be made to answer for the crimes of his master Volmar, who attacked the Dukes land.
Conrad Van Drichten
I've word from Count Immerdusk. The prisoner has been sentenced to Re-Education in the Bishopric of Eveningstar on various charges he chose to not elaborate on. The rest doesn't matter to me.
Clerk Johnson.
Of course, Eveningstar, where they sit by and aid traitors who try to overthrow the King..
Why do we even have a council, or even a lawbook, when this Count fellow can simply hand criminals over as he sees fit?
That was not a rhetorical question.
Conrad Van Drichten
Take it up with the Crown Guard. Would you be upset if they decided to hand him over to Tilverton I wonder or would you sing the praises of this council?
Whataboutery upon whataboutery.. I will not waste my time speaking to the crown guard, and not will I waste any further time with this sham court.
I will send another representative with more time to waste.
It is truly a shame that the Ravens did not offer to assist against the vampire cove as well, whilst aiding House of the Morning with disciplining and re-educating Qo'i. Perhaps their new Councilor would be willing to assist for the benefit of the Kingdom.
I could list a dozen things you sun worshipping imbeciles didn't help with, such as when traitors were invading the palace.
Your days are numbered though, you may think you got the better of us now but you will rue the day when my boot is on your back.
Conrad Van Drichten
Even if you wish not to see the offer, it will remain open. We must work together to protect our kingdom, there is not need to drive more wedges between us for personal gain or petty strife.
Pups yapping for attention miss out on the meat. Stop bickering. The decision was made. We have other issues to handle, such as this vampire coven and the Eyekin Hive.
Ursula -
@gloomy_sunday said in Execution of the traitor Qoi:
I could list a dozen things you sun worshipping imbeciles didn't help with, such as when traitors were invading the palace.
Your days are numbered though, you may think you got the better of us now but you will rue the day when my boot is on your back.
Conrad Van Drichten
I mean, just move your boot a bit lower, they already kissed the Duke's Boot.
Clerk Johnson
I have been informed by Dominic that Conrad offered him ten thousand gold through a fabricated bounty, and the promise to proclaim Dominic a hero of Tilverton. If Qo'i was handed over to Conrad, rather than taken care of accordingly per Arabellan law. Please find the attached letter, provided by Dominic.
@gloomy_sunday said in Dominic:
I have learned that qoi betrayed your group and aided Volmar. Volmar was considered a threat to Tilverton in particular due to his attack on the town, and I wish to request that qoi be handed over to face the Dukes judgement as a co conspirator.
There will be a bounty of ten thousand gold coins and you will be congratulated through bulletins as a protector of the realm.
Conrad Van Drichten
Perhaps Conrad would be willing to enlighten us, why he is ever so eager to have Qo'i dragged to Tilverton? I understand he sided with an enemy of the Kingdom, but why such passionate words for a minor criminal? Please, do explain Conrad for I am most curious. I sadly couldn't ask you personally, as you left before I had the chance today.
As Conrad has officially left the Council, I eagerly await the response from his replacement.
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