The Revolution
Well any option that ends with corpses all over the streets is clearly a defeat however you cut it, so I argue we need to find a peaceful solution, but we must ensure we don't look weak at the same time.
How about this as a starting point:
Conditionally pardon the Lower House and Tymoran Church, with the condition for the Lower House being there cooperation in ending the mushrooms at the source, while the condition with the Tymoran Church being they must find a new leader in 12 months to end bad blood.
Punish Sir August Misrim with exile and reform laws relating to carriage safety showing that we wish to prevent a future repeat of the child death, but at the same time showing we are not backing before a mob and giving them his head
Dawnbrother Tristian
The demands are pardons for them all for their treason
A shrine to the false and fake god Gondegal
A no doubt ludicrous amount of coin to pay for the funeral of the child
Them to punish the coach driver.
Whilst the last 2 demands could possibly be considered if thats all they were after the first 2 are simply out of the question.
Sir Pierre
And you think going in with a mailed fist is going to end our problums? As Izereth has stated it will have many soilders questioning there loyaties and likely sowing seeds of future rebellions for years to come even if it goes smoothly.
Dawnbrother Tristian
Tristan you are proposing pardoning criminals who attack elderly and children, but want a noble who didn't kill a child to be exiled? Am I reading this right? When did Lathander change tolerate heretics? Plus if you are so concerned about children, why are you not outraged at the Lower house for murdering several children and elderly and innocents when they attacked the People's Palace? Where is the justice for those children?
We go in with mailed fist, then inocent people will die. We kill the Lower House and then they become martyrs and kickstart a violent uprising and inocent people die.
We need to find the path were inocent people don't die Jenny, and in this case it is not easy.
Dawnbrother Tristian
Tristian, I was also young when I joined the Precept, and the Council.
I have learned to grow up fast.
I suggest you do the same.
I'm saying if you are going to be outraged over one child, why not all of them? Did that kid have to die? No. However, how do we not know Ercole pushed that child in front of that carriage to start this revelation? You may not know this yet Tristan, but Ercole doesn't really care about the people. You didn't see how many he was willing to just let die for his cause. Even his own men have been sacrificed for his revolution. Yet he continues to hide in the shadows. Bring me proof that he did not sacrifice that child for his revolution.
Is this going to be an easy decision on how it will be handled? No. Will people die over Ercole's stupidity? Yes. The question is, do you stand with criminals or do you stand with the crown?
People will die yes, but more will die if this revolution continues. If they get away with this what stops them making up more incidents and making further demands.
They assualted the palace at the start of the revolution and killed guards and stole,
They kidnapped Izereth for a ransom
They have incited a riot and caused more deaths by handing out mushrooms which mutated people into rampaging monsters,
Before this revolution ever commenced they murdered Ravens and Bloodhounds.
Their madness needs to be brought to an end
Sir Pierre
Pardon the Church of Tymora if they execute Ercole, the traitor to the Kingdom.
Dare each Tymoran within the church to be the hero to take down the notorious shadow master, and promise them some whatever for being the one to do it.
Have the noble tried in a court, the very same court any common man would be tried by, and make it very clear that's how they will be tried. (I hear it's the drivers fault anyway, so that court should find the driver guilty)
The council of Twelve will personally tithe to the Church of Tymora for them to hold whatever funeral or ressurection they want for the child.
The Lower House being pardoned is utterly irrelevant to anything.
This is my third option. If there are only two, then I need more time to think.
I'd be inclined to let the church of Tymora be pardoned if they execute Ercole if they turn over his corpse.
After all, someone, Likely the church of Tymora raised Jim. We don't want Ercole proclaimed dead then suddenly walking around again
Trying Sir Misrim for something he didnt do is rather daft, Trial the coach driver certainly, But you cannot trial someone for riding in a coach thats in an accident
Sir Pierre
That's the point, the trial would last moments, but they want Sir Misrim to be held to account- so we do just that, and he is proclaimed innocent in moments.
The point of trials is to find out if someone is guilty Pierre, so yes, often people are tried for things they did not do. It's called an accusation.
Except they don't want a trial.
They want him dead because he's a noble and a member of the Misrim family.
We are not handing people over to these madmen and traitors.
Sir Pierre
We try them, in the Palace, for all of the ten seconds it takes to ask who was driving the carriage.
Nevermind. Just trying to find options that don't involve the Palace pissing off one of the largest religions in the Kingdom.-Izereth.
I'd agree that we would be willing to pardon the Temple of Tymora, if they execute Ercole and turn him and his possessions over to the Palace. He stole a chalice from Pierre, and Pierre should be able to recover that. Although I'd suggest new leadership is found.
Turning a noble over to them is exactly what they want. No, if any trial is held it will be for the driver of the caravan and not the noble.
I'd like to know what the funeral costs are for the child. If they ask a reasonable amount, I'm fine with the Council aiding in the payment for the funeral costs. If they expect some outrageous number like 100,000 gold to bury their child, then let Ercole cover the cost as he has already volunteered.
However, the Lower House CAN NOT be pardoned after all the crimes they have committed. And before you go bringing up the Murrain again Tristan, the crimes of the Lower House already heavily outweigh any crimes the Murrain had committed. Those are my thoughts anyway.
The lower house won't accept a trial though
They wish to make an example of one of the nobility.
Sir Pierre
This isn't about what the Lower House wants, the people want justice. Giving the driver of the carriage a trail is a form of justice. Although before claiming the driver is guilty of running the child over, I'd still demand proof that Ercole didn't push the child in front of the carriage. I'd also not take the word of anyone from the Lower House as any kind of proof that he didn't commit the crime. If no proof is brought from anyone else, then how can we prove that Ercole isn't the real murderer, and the driver is? Also, if we do put the driver on trial, I'd recommend not announcing it before hand, and asking any witnesses to appear at the Palace. We should also immediately say that any of the Lower House who try to speak without being spoken to, will be thrown out of the court if they try to say anything.
It's quite hard to prove someone didn't do something.
We don't know what the people want.
What we do know is that it is Ercole and Redlock who are making the demands supposedly from the people. All whilst sending the common man they supposedly care so much about to die with weaponry they supply or turn them into monsters with these mushrooms.
We must also remember that Redlock has incited attacks before including on Duke Misrims caravans and gotten away with it.
Most likely this inspired this rebellion against the King.
If they get pardoned for this unconditionally they will be emboldened to make even more ludicrous demands
Whilst I would agree with trialling the coach driver and a pardon for the church for yesterdays actions -if- they execute Ercole that is all we should offer
Sir Pierre
I was hoping to show them some mercy, however I believe Talona recently gave me a vision. One where the Temple of Tymora was lost to Gondegal. They fortified the temple and would attack anyone who entered. In this vision, they were so adamant to fight us, that their goal was to kill all of us. I nearly died in this vision, only being spared by waking up and coming out of it.
Unfortunately, a firm hand must be shown here your majesty. Wield the hammer of justice and crush this rebellion before the entire kingdom is lost. If need be, I'm sure the Duke can offer some aid to crush this rebellion. Otherwise, all may be lost.
Ursula, Izereth, Tristan, do you have any thoughts to add since I posted about this vision that Talona gave me?