Putting a bounty on the Murrain?
[clerk Steinhouser is captured by the Arabel Militia and shoved into a sack, then put on the next boat out of Immersea.]
[clerk Boris is seen consoling Steinhousers grieving wife.]
For my personal account Dame,
Before I was knocked out at the event, I saw at least three, though there could have been more. The one known as Hans and the Orc for certain, and a third that attacked us with lightning magic, so probably an arcane user of some kind.
These three at the very least should be wanted dead or alive, criminals entirely guilty of the murder of miss Elora Everly.
My original suggestion, since some of the names of the assailants are unknown, was to have all of the Murrain be exiled for harboring these other criminals. However, if they turned in the guilty parties, then the exile would be dropped from the rest of them.
And honestly, if we only went after the three involved, are we alright with the rest of them still hanging around together, helping these criminals? They're a group of crazy Talona worshippers. Exiled or not, of course they're going to work together. If one were to go out and try to bring these criminals to justice, and the other Murrain tried to stop it, they would be accomplices to these criminals anyways. This would just save a lot of time.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
[a frustrated-looking half-orc woman dressed in the armor of the Precept is seen sifting through the file and gathering a list of things. Any clerks bothering her is given a silent, yet intimidating glare before she returns to her task]
The facts so far, from the gathered information in this file:
- This happened on the High Road, near the estate of House Darendaal, which is Arabellan lands. Therefore, Arabel's law is applied.
- Elora Everly was sacrificed (And yes, this is Murder. The woman was killed against her will.)
- Everlyn Stillwater was slain
- The Halfling Meg was killed for warning Eveningstar
Just for the case of the one Elora Everly, those involved are guilty of:
- Capital: Murder (Jim)
- Serious: Armed Assault (All)
- Serious: Magical Crimes (as her death was a ritualistic one, this may apply. Clerks, do confirm, please.) (Jim)
- Serious: Kidnapping (All)
Those involved in the whole affaire:
- Slurg the Orc
- Hans the Swordsman
- Tenebris the Druid (lycanthrope status to be confirmed)
- Jim Kross (Alias "Old Jim") (responsible for the sacrifice of the woman)
Possibly involved but not confirmed:
- Adam Whitlock
Missing information:
- Who killed Everlyn Stillwater
- Who killed the Halfling Meg
Sort out what is missing or set the bounty on those confirmed of their involvement with the charges fitting their crimes.
- True Bloodhound Ydira
Miss Ydiria,
We could indeed throw the book at them, but it'd just be easier to just apply all the Murrain involved with murder (and party to it). No need to needlessly waste ink and paper with crimes that all ultimately ended in that.
Secondly, I'd argue the murder of Stillwater ought to be dropped, as she was an enemy combatant- the House of the Morning's only real complaint is that it took place in Arabellan land- LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO THEIR BORDER, so the confusion is understandable and if we hold them to this standard, our local corrupt Tyrran Paladin will complain we don't hold others to the same standard later.
So it's really just the Murder of Meg and Elora- both of whom were nobodies of no real import and no one cared about, so I'd recommend a small bounty of 500 gold each.
- Clerk Robertson
Wasn't Elora also a member of the house of the morning, still a novice maybe but still connected.
Perhaps the mercenaries got confused and thought she was involved too.
Then there's Meg who was an oath breaker and seems to be have simply been killed too. Not sacrificed.
Are we going to say traitors shouldn't be killed now.
Really it looks like rowdy mercenaries getting a bit out of hand which they have been chastised for.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
Councilor Amherst, I find it would be best for the Greywatch to sort out the remaining details of this case. It fall within your purview, and I am certain you are eager to see justice done.
True Bloodhound Ydira
Clerk Robertson
So I am to understand murder only applies in instances where the victim does not defend themselves? Good to know.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
So we have Toussaint the false writing this
I feel in light of these clearly barbaric acts, that Tilverton should be taking a level of responsibility for it's Murrain mercenaries in these matter past some empty words over the sending system. Especially since this isn't the first time Tilverton and barbaric acts has come up in the same sentence.
Therefore I propose the following:
A fine of 35000 coin (the Murrain hiring fee plus 10000) will be paid by Tilverton to Eveningstar. Through the exact distribution will by left in the Bishops hands, it's primary purpose will be to compensate the next of kin of Elora Everly and Dawnknight Evelyn, as well s fix any other damages the Murrain have caused.
Tilverton will be forbidden from using the Murrain as mercenaries in it's conflict with Eveningstar. To discourage under table activity there will be fine of 10000 coin from every incident Murrain is involved in. If any Raven is found to be found to be working, assisting or otherwise helping the Murrain, they will be charged with treason. A public poster banning them from Tilverton is strongly advised.
Julien Toussaint
So he's connecting it to the war when we disavowed it
Then he called Hans to the Manticore,
From Hans sworn testimony to me Toussaint offered to halt the bounty if it was not live or pardon them if it was live. In return he requested the Murrain turn on Duke Misrim and escort two of the Dukes Serfs from Tilverton to the "safety" of Eveningstar, In doing so he tied the Council of 12 to crimes against my Duke and pinned the crimes of the Murrain as part of the war.
To dissacioate the council from crimes against Duke Misrim I advise this entire bounty matter on the Murrain is dropped.
Naturally Toussaint will also be put before peer review for his frankly shocking misconduct
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
@v-rage said in Putting a bounty on the Murrain?:
Wasn't Elora also a member of the house of the morning, still a novice maybe but still connected.
Perhaps the mercenaries got confused and thought she was involved too.
Then there's Meg who was an oath breaker and seems to be have simply been killed too. Not sacrificed.
Are we going to say traitors shouldn't be killed now.
Really it looks like rowdy mercenaries getting a bit out of hand which they have been chastised for.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
Dear Butcher,
Oaths only apply to nobility. It’s murder otherwise.
Clerk Robinson
Of note the halfling community is wondering about Meg.
I resisted the urge to put a statement saying the bounty on her killer was being held up by Pierre "The Knight of Dishonor" Cambian on the grounds that sacrificing people is acceptable, however paperwork still needs to be completed.
We need this bounty up and we need notices along with it to reassure the people such barabaric acts will not be tolerated -especialy- from Ravens.
We also need to make it clear the criminals are no longer considered merceneries in service to Tilverton, especialy in concern to emergency powers.
A new halfling member of the 12 may be in order as well.
Julien Toussaint
These four,
Slurg the Orc
Hans the Swordsman
Tenebris the Druid (lycanthrope status to be confirmed)
Jim Kross (Alias "Old Jim")For Murder and Kidnapping of one Elora Everly, along with Armed and Magical Assault on the rest present.
1000 per head, alive.
Greywatch to put them to trial as they see fit once they are brought in.
This is the stance of the Precept on this matter. It has dragged on long enough.
If you want to make this a thing between Eveningstar and Tilverton, then keep it you your damned lands. Arabel was clear, we will stand aggressively neutral. That means keep your damn shit on your lands and do not bring it outside of them, or the designated area (that you
idiotshave yet to bring suggestions for.)True Bloodhound Ydira.
After the events of this Evening, it's clear that we were right all along, and the Murrain are a threat to the Kingdom, having used dark magic to summon sickness and monsters into the city. They are to be wanted criminals, dead, or alive to face execution. If a bounty amount isn't set within twenty four hours, I'll just make a posting about it being ten thousand coin per Murrain head since the city has been dragging their feet. This should give any who are currently associating with them enough time to cut their ties and come to their senses.
Also, if Pierre does so much as dares defend them -still-, I will personally introduce his face to my Maul.
-DawnHammer Argun the miffed off
The 24 hour period is nearing its end.
Does anyone contest the True bloodhounds suggestion?
-clerk Bourgogne
Seeing as they just attacked the city with poisonous clouds and oozes good clerk, yes. Raise the bounty and make it all Murrain.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
This changes things, indeed. Details on this attack are required. Gather the testimony of all present.
For attacking Arabel, then all of the Murrain are now wanted. 5000 a head? 10 000 for their leader.Y.
How about finding out who was present and charging any who performed this ritual
Instead of issuing dead or alive bounties on everyone.
I'm known as the butcher and some of you are more blood thirsty than me
It's not justice to bounty an entire group for the crimes of some of them just because you don't like them.
Pierre"The Butcher" Cambrian
Hearing you spout off about justice is hilarious, Pierre. The only 'justice' you care about is the written letter of the law. You'd support your tyrannical Duke if the laws said you could slay your neighbor every 2 moon cycles.
How much more damage are you willing to let this group called the Murrain cause? Those who associate with them are clearly guilty, the same way those who serve the Duke are guilty of enabling such an evil man.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Since one of the leaders of the Murrain has pledged that the one called Jenny did not participate in their crimes, nor any longer affiliate herself with the group, I move to have her name struck from the list of targets.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
I understand that I am dragging this back up again, but I've been made aware I needed to rethink my choices. As it stands right now, I move to strike the following names from the list of those we should be hunting.
Jenny Whitlock
KarnakWe have no evidence that these people are actively associated with the actions the Murrain has taken, and are thus to be given leniency for the time being, and offered every opportunity to rejoin society unmolested and in piece, to better embody Lathander's ideal of renewal and growth.
The rest of the names on the given list are the ones I personally observed present at the incident, and should be offered no quarter.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
Please list the crimes of the above in a poster format citing each crime per wanted criminal, and if they are exiled, wanted dead or alive. We will take care of the rest.
-Clerk Bartwhirten